In this week’s Inner Dimension shiur with LPI founder R’ Yaakov Klein, we delve into the depths of parshas Korach through the lens of two incredible teachings from the Tiferes Shlomo and the Mei HaShiloach zy”a. In this shiur, we discuss what our generation is being called upon to accomplish as well as explore a radical and revolutionary way of viewing challenges and failures in avodas Hashem. Full of depth, warmth, and inspiration, this shiur is the perfect way to bridge the gap between the mundanity of the week and the exalted holiness of Shabbos Kodesh.
We hope you enjoy this class! Please remember to share with family and friends!
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The full launch of the LPI, an educational platform founded upon 25 principles extracted from R’ Yaakov Klein’s upcoming book on Rebbe Nachman’s iconic story, “The Lost Princess”, is only a few months away. Great things are happening! Stay tuned!