Paying a Shadchan

by Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

War and Teshuvah

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Bereishis (18:23) the posuk tells us that Avraham asked Hashem, “Will you kill a tzaddik with a Rasha?” Avraham goes through a whole negotiation with Hashem that maybe there are fifty tzadikim, then he said forty-five, and continued going down until ten.

Pidyon Shvuyim

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Bereishis (14:14) the posuk tells us that Avraham went and mobilized his army to rescue his nephew Lot from captivity. The Rambam in Pirush Hamishnayos in Meseches Peah says that when a person sees people in captivity, he is required to redeem them. He is only required to spend up to a fifth of his worth to do so. Earlier, the Rambam says that as far as middas Chassidus, he should spend even more than a chomesh of his worth for pidyon shvuyim.
