Famed Breslov Mashpia Rav Mota Frank shares a message of Inspiration, Strength & Unity in the aftermath of the Horrific Massacre in Jersey City which specifically targeted Jews.
by Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Bereishis (32:11) the posuk tells us that Yaakov was worried that he was too small in stature to receive the kindness of Hashem. The gemara in Taanis (20b) says we learn from the above posuk that a person is forbidden to stand in a place of danger and rely on a miracle since it is possible that Hashem will not perform a miracle. Even if Hashem will perform a miracle he will have some of his zechuyos deducted.
By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Bereishis (28:22) the posuk tells us that Yaakov promised Hashem if he will come home peacefully, he will give “aser aasrenu” (will give maaser.)
The gemara in Kesubos (50a) says that a person should not spend more than a chomesh, a fifth, for a mitzvah, hence the double lashon of aser aasrenu. This is brought down lehalacha in Rema, Yoreh Deah (249:1).
Why does the Torah use a double lashon of maaser and not straight out use the language of chomesh? The Shita Mekubetzes in Kesubos (50a) answers that it is better to give the money in a staggered way rather than giving it all at once. It is preferable to give a dollar one thousand times to different poor people than give one poor person the sum of one thousand dollars.
A Mother and Father Debate Their Two Sons — Yaakov & Eisav.
This women’s class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Toldos, 28 Cheshvon, 5780, November 26, 2019, at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Bereishis (27:6) the posuk tells us that Yitzchak asked Eisav to go find an animal so he could give Eisav a bracha. This story leads to a few questions regarding the appearance of activity that is opposite of bein adam lachaveiro. Rivkah convinces her son Yaakov to take Eisav’s clothing that was entrusted to her in order to fool her husband. She was taking her son’s trust and completely misusing it.
Yitzchok, upon hearing Yaakov’s voice, starts to feel his clothing and Yaakov lets Yitzchok be fooled. We know that a blind man has a tvias ayin on a kol; he can identify his wife based on voice. Yitzchok’s behavior needs to be analyzed.
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