Stepan Bandera led Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which fought alongside Nazi Germany during WWII, killing thousands of Jews and Poles

Zoriy Fine says he was dismissed after 2 weeks at Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University after contesting a memorial to a military leader whose troops massacred 35,000-50,000 Jews

Activist 'dumbfounded' at idea that graffiti on cenotaph for Ukrainians in Waffen-SS unit accused of killing Jews, Poles, could be anything other than mere property destruction

Michael Karkoc commanded a company in the SS-led Ukrainian Self Defense Legion that murdered dozens of Polish women and children in 1944, then lied to US authorities about it

Some 1,000 far-right activists commemorate 111th birthday of Stepan Bandera, whose followers have been linked to the mass murders of Jews

Zelensky has a 70% approval rating and his May election was breakthrough in race relations, but his coreligionists fear other shoe dropping. Then there’s the US impeachment scandal

Oleksiy Honcharuk stood on stage at a veterans benefit event organized by figures connected to violent C14 movement and headlined by anti-Semitic metal band Sokyra Peruna

Ukrainian nationalists oppose plans to build a monument at the site where more than 30,000 Jews were murdered

President reportedly planning on bringing in new head of state-funded Institute of National Memory, which had engaged in rehabilitating anti-Communists who helped Nazis

How the 2014 conflict pitted Jewish communities against each other
