Amid tensions over gas field and threats by Hezbollah, unanimous resolution extending UNIFIL deployment stresses 'risk that violations... could lead to a new conflict'

Russian envoy accuses Washington of destroying and robbing country with 20-year occupation; US ambassador points to oppressive Kabul regime, its support for terror

Tor Wennesland reports firing ranges in south Lebanon in violation of UN resolution, says peacekeepers' freedom of movement restricted

Zelensky informs UNSC of deadly attack on train station, says 'security of the entire world' at risk over Moscow's 'insane aggression' against his country

Ramallah would need Biden to forgo Security Council veto, though that would mean stripping UN of funding; PLO says DC mulling proposal, but State Department hints odds are low

US correspondent Jacob Magid on tension at the UN Security Council, plus Ilhan Omar; religion writer Judah Ari Gross on Tisha B'av, plus the Jewish Agency under threat in Russia

As Lapid praises Sissi, Cairo's envoy to UN laments 'martyrs' killed, Israeli 'desecration of al-Aqsa,' calls for end to Israeli blockade and says Israel responsible for Strip

UAE is one of nations initiating meeting, expressing 'deep concern' over violence; Jordanian FM decries Israel's 'aggression' in Strip, warns against Temple Mount 'provocations'

US ambassador to UN says clear signs Russia planning to annex eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk and the southern Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions

Thursday vote scrapped amid disagreement between Moscow and West over ongoing humanitarian deliveries via Turkey
