In an interview which was conducted with Rabbi Aharon Kotler, the president of Lakewood Yeshiva, he shatters the myth which is well-entrenched in the yeshiva world: The legendary story about Reb Shlomo Carlebach who was expelled from of the Lakewood Yeshiva and composed the song “Lulaei Torascha” immediately after Rav Aharon Kotler threw him out, while he was still sitting on the steps on the way out of the yeshiva. The grandson of Rav Aharon Kotler zt”l related that “Shlomo Carlebach was never kicked out of Lakewood, Rav Aharon loved him. He was, as we all know, exceptionally musically inclined… I can imagine that at some point in his life his musical interests and drive exceeded his desire to learn in Yeshiva”.
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