New York – VIN regrets to report the passing of R’Dovid Noraly Z”L, a well known resident of Boro Park. He leaves behind no relatives. R’ Dovid was known for collecting Tzedaka at Shuls and Chasunos. He was 67 years old. The Levaya was called for 10:30 AM at the Satmar Beis medrash on 53 […]

“Tickets are being reserved at record speed…” An Exclusive Interview with Rabbi Naftali Miller
Klal Yisrael is gearing up for the greatest event in recent history – The Siyum. We had the opportunity to sit down with Rabbi Naftali Miller, National Director of Development of The Agudah to get some inside details at what’s going on behind the scenes at The Siyum.
Rabbi Miller, we have heard that this upcoming siyum is generating more interest than ever before. Why is that?

Source Wood Floors Opens Doors to Retail CustomersSource Wood floors, located in Lakewood New Jersey, is a wholesale flooring provider with hundreds of thousands of square feet of hardwood, vinyl and laminate floors in stock.
With prices often just 50% that of retail prices, SourceWood has been an industry secret for years, a go-to destination for renovators and contractors looking to get the best prices on their materials.

Education is important, that’s undeniable. However, learning in the classroom isn’t the only place where you should get your education. There’s actually such a thing as ‘street smart’, which means that there are certain things that your teachers at school simply can’t learn you.
Read more on Yeshiva World News

Former Vice President Joe Biden, who has a history of gaffes, Thursday night told a group of mostly minority voters in Iowa that “poor kids” are just as bright as “white kids.”
Biden, who has been leading in national and early state polling for the Democratic presidential nomination, was speaking on the subject of education at a town hall in Des Moines hosted by the Asian and Latino Coalition.
“We should challenge students in these schools that have advanced placement programs in these schools,” Biden said. “We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
After a brief pause, he added, “Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids, no, I really mean it, but think how we think about it.”

Opening Ceremony of Shutfim Tzedakah Fund Under the Direction of Maran Hagaon Harav Meir Mazuz, shlit”aShutfim launched under the auspices of Rosh Yeshivat Kisei Rachamim Hagaon Harav Meir Mazuz, shlit”a*   The Rosh Yeshivah: “I am alive today only in the merit of chesed.

A wave machine at a waterpark in northern China went rogue Sunday, launching a crushing tsunami that injured at least 44 people, according to The Associated Press.
Officials at Shuiyun Water Park said that the wave machine malfunctioned, and that the worker operating the machine was not intoxicated, as some media originally reported.
Video shared on social media shows the moment the machine generated the enormous wave, turning a relaxing afternoon at the pool into a bloody nightmare with screaming adults and crying children. Some swimmers were launched out of the pool and onto the pavement. One woman was on the ground afterward, knees bloodied.
The water park is closed, the AP reported, and is under investigation.

Avrohom Elimelech Biderman 1 Hoshea Street, Bnei Brak
22 Tammuz 5779
I hereby express my praise of the incredible Rabbonim Geonim who study the Torah of Hashem by day and by night, with extreme diligence and clear understanding, with in-depth and all-encompassing knowledge of the entire Shas, year after year. They are also outstanding in their middos tovos. 
These are the scholars of the Shas Yiden Kolel Network under the leadership of my dear and esteemed friend, who raises the standard of Torah in our generation, the Gaon Harav Avrohom Halevi Eisen, shlit”a, the Pozna Rov.
