In statements from overseas, officials signal desire to work with new administration on bolstering ties after tumultuous Trump years

President Rouhani says life is hard due to Washington's measures but 'harder is life without independence'; France's Macron warns Europe won't back US actions

Washington's old allies have been reluctant to follow Trump in his crusade to reinstate sanctions after exiting 2015 nuclear deal

Pompeo says 'death of the transatlantic alliance is grossly over-exaggerated,' but Macron argues there's a 'weakening of the West' as the US reassesses its relationship

Foreign minister says Tehran can ensure security for shipping, blasts American 'economic terrorism'

Australia becomes latest country to keep distance from international force to protect oil tankers from Iranian intervention, but Washington still adamant plan will work

US president attends 75th anniversary event where French President Emmanuel Macron tells him 'America is never as big as when it is fighting for the freedom of others'