In Kuwait, Brian Hook says Washington not interested in military conflict, bolstered troops 'for purely defensive purposes'

Zarif tweets graphic which he says shows flight path of drone into Iranian airspace earlier in May; Rouhani says US fueling tensions

Foreign Minister Gargash says negotiations are needed, as only political action can achieve 'sustainable solutions'

After Trump calls off retaliatory strike, his national security adviser says Tehran has not been granted a 'hunting license in Middle East'

Major general says no country would be able to control scope or timing of conflict, and US must act responsibly

US president clarifies that he still looks forward to day where such economic penalties won't be necessary, claiming 'the sooner the better!'

'When they agree to that, they're going to have a wealthy country,' US president tells reporters; says he's not a hawk or a dove but 'a man with common sense'

State news agency says Jalal Haji Zavar confessed to spying for US for money; ex-wife serving 15-year sentence for 'involvement in espionage'

Cybersecurity firms see surge in attempts to gain access to American government agencies, oil and gas sectors, including by impersonating email from president's office

US national security adviser to meet with Netanyahu, discuss Iran with Russian and Israeli counterparts
