Iranian foreign ministry denounces interception of ship suspected of violating EU sanctions, accuses Britain of acting at behest of the US

Facing increasing pressure from both Tehran and Washington, Adel Abdul-Mahdi risks coming off as weak if he fails to rein in Popular Mobilization Forces

As accord teeters, Iranian president says Tehran will move to refine radioactive element beyond 2015 deal's 3.67% cap

Relatives of those killed in the US Navy's shootdown of plane throw flowers into the Strait of Hormuz to mark their deaths

Tehran says punitive economic measures won't deter it from advancing its nuclear program; citizens feel they are bearing the brunt

US national security adviser warns only purpose of increased production of enriched material is to reduce breakout time needed to produce nuclear weapons

Experts downplay effectiveness of charm offensive and say even if Trump might want to engage Iran the same way he has North Korea, Tehran is not interested

As Tehran breaks the limit set on its stockpile of low-enriched uranium under nuclear deal, top parliamentarian threatens Jewish state

Following downing of drone and tanker attacks, Air Force says F-22s have been sent to Persian Gulf 'to defend American forces and interests'

Lawmakers cast ballots Friday on bill to curtail president's ability to order military strikes without congressional approval
