Government spokesperson says Washington's top envoy can come and meet US-born Marzieh Hashemi, a convert to Islam and presenter on Iranian TV

Tehran pessimistic about deal's prospects, while Europeans plan to raise subject of Iran's 'proven violations of their commitments' amid rising Gulf tensions

Administration must decide Thursday whether it will nix sanctions waivers to foreign companies working on civilian nuclear program, thereby risking an escalation with Tehran

Meeting between foreign ministers seen as possible effort to diffuse standoff between Tehran and London, after former seized British-flagged tanker in Strait of Hormuz

After US officials say Tehran fired Shahab-3 ballistic missile, sources in the Islamic Republic say weapons are meant 'only to respond to aggression'

Tehran said to fire Shahab-3 ballistic missile, believed to be capable of carrying nuclear warhead, violating Security Council resolution

Top US diplomat says Washington seeking change in Iran's leadership to benefit its citizens, would 'welcome the chance' to address them

Comments by Iranian president appear to rule out renewed nuclear talks with US unless sanctions on Tehran are lifted

Warship shadows BW Elm as it crosses Strait of Hormuz, in first since Tehran took a UK-flagged tanker last week amid soaring tensions

CENTCOM commander believes American warship successfully destroyed at least two UAVs over strategic Strait of Hormuz; Tehran denies it
