Abbas's spokesman says announcement is 'baseless, unacceptable and condemned'; Hamas states Palestinian people will continue 'its struggle until settlements are swept away'

Travel warning follows Washington's policy shift, saying settlements not 'inconsistent with international law'; Americans advised to take care 'in light of the current environment'

Politicians and others say Trump administration's shift away from 1978 decision that found settlements inconsistent with international law gives Israel cover to lay claim to land

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to repudiate 1978 State Department legal opinion that held Israeli building in the West Bank is ‘inconsistent with international law’

Muath Amarneh believes he was hit by IDF rubber bullet or stone while covering West Bank clashes; Israel denies targeting him

Preliminary Israeli investigation indicates Omar al-Badawi was not involved in clashes, was extinguishing a fire when struck

Witnesses say Omar al-Badawi, 22, was shot while trying to put out a fire caused by a Molotov cocktail

Andy Levin says he was enraged at sight of water supply to illegal Jewish outpost, as Palestinian villagers remain without access

Unlike years past, officials are optimistic that vote could actually be held next February 2020, with possible major gains for Hamas as Fatah support dwindles

Former PA women's affairs minister Haifa al-Agha praises move, which she says will enable children 'to live their childhood and receive an education'
