US bureau chief Jacob Magid on White House's 60-page plan, Israeli NGOs' foreign government funding; environment reporter Sue Surkes on sea urchin die-off, return of Gaza wetlands

Development Program removes 35,000 tons of garbage from Wadi Gaza, plans sports and leisure facilities, as clean water flows in from new treatment plant

Branch of global Jane Goodall Institute will focus on ecological corridors, wetland restoration and use of Bedouin knowledge to replant native species

'Israel's first nature-based carbon trading project' sees Terrra working with ecology group to rehab fishponds, sell pollution credits and create vital stops for migrating birds

Diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman in Ukraine explains hot-button issues, evacuation corridors and no-fly zones; environment reporter Sue Surkes brings us good news for a change

Poleg swamp, southeast of Netanya, second in size only to Hula Valley marsh in northern Israel, said to be essential to wildlife, including migrating birds