World Jewish Congress president Ronald Lauder visits Pope Francis while inaugurating the organization’s 'representative office to the Holy See' late last week

After the early-morning infiltration attack, organizations from across the political spectrum release statements supporting the Jewish state and condemning Hamas

Among general public respondents to poll, only 11% had heard of BDS, but twice as many had heard of IHRA, the organization behind controversial antisemitism definition

Major umbrella groups from both faiths sit down for 2 days and publish 'decalogue' of agreements to cooperate on interfaith activities, culture, sports and fighting hate speech

World Jewish Congress hosts day-long conference in city where more than 8,000 Bosniaks, mainly Muslims, were killed in July 1995

World Jewish Congress 'troubled' by 'abrupt' decision to fire Neil Barofsky and Ira Forman, tasked with exploring bank's alleged servicing of accounts belonging to Nazi officials

Attorney General Merrick Garland cites his family's refuge in US ahead of Holocaust, says Justice Department 'is doing everything in our power to combat rise in hate-fueled acts'

Mercado Libre further strips its shelves of content that violates violence and discrimination rules after removing books like 'Mein Kampf,' 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'

Hatred of Jews remains a 'serious problem in our societies,' says director of Fundamental Rights Agency, which warns Jewish communities are 'profoundly affected' by disinformation

Holocaust remembrance activist Josef Rosensaft says site's transformation allowed his parents to again be treated as human beings who could 'dream rather than endure nightmares'
