candle-small5Yissachor ben Yaakov Avinu (1564 BCE)

Chur, son of Kalev and Miriam, killed by the erev rav for his protest against making the Egel. (1309 or 1312 BCE)
Rav Shimon Moshe Diskin (1932-1999), son of Rav Yoshua Zelig Diskin, rav of Periaslov (Ukraine) and Pardes Chana, and grandson of Rav Shimon Moshe Diskin. He learned at Ponevezh and the Kaminetz-Knesses Beis Yitzchak kollel. He served for 26 years as one of the roshei yeshiva of Yeshivas Kol Torah.

Rav Yosef Trani, the Maharit (1568-1639). Born in Safed, he married to a descendant of Rav Yosef Caro, but fled Safed due to plague outbreak. Returned to Safed to head a yeshiva in 1594. Moved to Constantinople in 1604, becoming Rabbi of the city and leader of Turkish Jewry a few years later. Best known for his teshuvos.
Rav Shmuel Shatin, the Kos Hayeshuos (1719). Rav of Dramesht.
Rav Yehoshua Heshel (ben Baruch) Frankel-Teumim (1843). The son of the Baruch Ta’am. He lived in Komarna and was a devoted chassid of the Chozeh of Lublin but refused the Chozeh’s suggestion that he lead the Chassidim of eastern Galicia (a position that went to the Sar Shalom of Belz instead).

yahrtzeit-candlesRav Binyamin Levy of Smyrna (1721)
Rav Mordecai of Kremnitz (1813). One of the five sons of the Magid of Zlotchov (Rav Yechiel Michel). One of hios four brothers was Rav Moshe of Zvhil, the first Zvhiller Rebbe. Rav Mordechai was also the father-in-law of Rav Aharon II of Karlin (the Beis Aharon).
Today in History – 10 Tammuz
· Tzidkiyahu HaMelech was captured by the Babylonians after fleeing through a subterranean tunnel to Yericho, 586 BCE
· 12 Jews of Cologne were martyred, 1266.

yahrtzeit-candlesRav Yaakov Sapir, author of Even Sapir (A Journey to Yemen), a collection of stories of his travels through India, Australia, and Yemen, collecting  tzedaka, having departed Yerushalayim in 1859. An account of the life of Yemenite Jewish communities is written at length.

yahrtzeit-candlesRav Yonasan ben Uziel, student of Hillel.
Rav Yosi ben Kisma (quoted in Pirke Avos 6:9 and Sanhedrin 98a).
Rav Yehoshua (ben Yosef) Bucksbaum, the Galanta Rav (1944). Author of Ohr P’nei Yehoshua.
Today in History – 26 Sivan
· The Jewish community of Berne, Switzerland forfeited all financial claims against non-Jews, and then were expelled from the country, 1294.
· Second expulsion from France, 1332

yahrtzeit-candlesRav Shmuel Hominer of Yerushalayim, author of Eved HaMelech on the Chumash, and Ikarai Dinim, a summary of the laws of loshon hora with analysis
Rav Yehuda ibn Atar (1656-1733). He was a student of Rav Vidal HaTzorfati and Rav Menachem Serero. He was the Rav, the Av Beis Din and the Rosh Yeshiva in Fez for 40 years. His book Minchas Yehudais his commentary on the Torah.
Rav Menachem Nachum of Skver-Boro Park (1946)
Today in History – 19 Sivan

yahrtzeit-candlesRav Dovid Pardo of Sarajevo, author of Chasdei Dovid on the Tosefta, and Maskil L’Dovid on Rashi (1710 or 1719-1792). In 1765, he moved from Venice to Bosnia and brought several talmidei chachamim with him. He first moved to Belgrade, then to Sarajevo. His leading disciple in Sarajevo was Rav Avraham Pinso, a native of the city (1740-1820).

yahrtzeit-candlesYahrtzeits – 5 Sivan
Rav Ze’ev Wolf of Zhitomer, the Ohr Hameir (1797)
-Rav Chaim Yaakov Safran, Kamorna Admor
-Rav Eliyahu of Ziditchov (1875)
-Rav Uri Shraga Kellerman, Ram in Knesses Chizkiyahu – Kfar Chassidim (1993)
Yahrtzeits – 6 Sivan
-Dovid Hamelech ( [837 BCE], (Shabbos 30a, Yerushalmi, Chagiga 2:3)].

yahrtzeit-candlesRav Eliezer Ze’ev Rosenbaum of Kretchenif (Kretshnif)(1944). Author of Raza D’Shabbos, and son of Rabbi Meir of Kretshniff. Towards the end of the First World War he moved to Sziget. During World War
2, he was deported from Sziget to Auschwitz.
-Rav Shlomo Zalman Schneerson (1830-1900), Rebbe of of Kapust (Kopys) and author of Mogen Avos.
