Lapid cites concerns of cyber unit that their hacking capabilities could be turned against Israeli citizens in hands of far-right ministers and without judicial oversite

Lapid, Gantz swiftly reject negotiations initially proposed by business groups, noting government refusal to freeze legislative push; override bill advances out of committee

Opposition leader charges ministers Ben Gvir and Smotrich could use military's hacking capabilities without any legal restraint if judicial overhaul is enacted

PM says he only meant that in both cases people shouldn't have taken law into their hands; Gantz urges him to 'stop lying' and apologize to anti-government demonstrators

Premier also says without evidence that 'foreign elements' behind some of the demonstrators; falsely suggests protests against 2005 Gaza Disengagement were non-violent

Clashes with stun grenades, water cannons mark 1st time these are seen at demos; at least 11 injured, 39 arrested; Netanyahu, Lapid accuse each other of stirring up anarchy

Gantz warns Israel is facing 'a security disaster,' accuses far-right coalition members of 'fueling terrorism'; PM says 'only' security forces should 'avenge' deadly shooting

Opposition leader says call for 60-day halt to government's judicial overhaul isn't a precondition to negotiating; Likud minister urges talks but not 'with a pistol to the temple'

In a letter to Jewish Federations, the opposition leader says he supports President Herzog's calls for negotiations, insists legislative advance stop

PM says he fully backs efforts to bridge disagreements on legal shakeup while accusing opposition of refusing to negotiate; opposition chief rejects premier’s ‘lies and spin’
