The 932nd Battalion of the Nachal Brigade entered Rafah on Tuesday, where the IDF is currently operating to eliminate terrorists and destroy terror infrastructure. IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi said on Tuesday evening that IDF troops have killed at least 900 terrorists so far in the operation in Rafah. Before entering the terror nest, the soldier gathered together to listen to tekiyas shofar and recite Shema. Hashem should bring all the soldiers back safe and sound. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Ivanka Trump, who served as a top White House advisor in her father Donald Trump’s administration, joined podcaster Lex Fridman to discuss a wide variety of issues. During the course of her conversation, Ivanka discussed several core concepts of Judaism, making for an interesting conversation with the Jewish, but irreligious, podcaster. When asked about the hate and vitriol lobbed at her and her family over their immediate association with Donald Trump, Ivanka said: “There’s a concept in Judaism called Lashon Hara, which means evil speech. The idea is that speaking poorly of another is almost the moral equivalent to murder, because you can’t really repair it. You can apologize, but you can’t repair it.

A moving event took place on Friday at the office of HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein at his kollel in Holon when a couple from Beit Shemesh and their close relatives excitedly entered his office pushing two strollers. The story began several months ago when an obstetrician informed the couple that the twins the mother was carrying have several defects that pose a risk not only to their lives but to the life of the mother. He told them in no uncertain terms to end the pregnancy. The couple consulted with another doctor, a more senior one, and he also advised them to end the pregnancy. The couple now needed halachic input – they consulted with HaRav Zilberstein, who is an expert in medical halachic issues. The Rav sent them to an even more senior doctor whom he trusts.

Former President Donald Trump launched a profanity-laced attack on President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, labeling Biden a “broken-down pile of crap” and Harris “pathetic” and “so [expletive removed] bad.” In the footage, Trump can be seen sitting in a golf cart, asking people nearby what they thought of the debate. “I kicked that old broken-down pile of [expletive removed], he’s such a bad guy,” he says, before claiming that Biden “just quit” and “I got him out.” He then turns his attention to Harris, saying, “And that means we have Kamala. I think she’s going to be better – she’s so bad, she’s so pathetic.

President Joe Biden on Tuesday lashed out at former President Donald Trump and his Republican allies, labeling them as “stupid” and “really really dumb” for denying the existence of climate change. During a briefing on extreme weather at the D.C. Emergency Operations Center, Biden announced new measures to protect workers and families from the impacts of extreme weather. He also took aim at Trump and Republicans in Congress for attempting to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, which he called “the biggest climate protection bill ever.” “They deny climate change even exists,” Biden said. “They must be living in a hole somewhere.

Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley took a victory lap on social media after a tense exchange with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos last year resurfaced on Tuesday. The interview, which aired on “Good Morning America” in August, showed Haley asserting that President Biden would not finish his term and that Kamala Harris would become the next president. Stephanopoulos pushed back, asking Haley for evidence to support her claim, but she cited the decline in Biden’s mental acuity and the need for a new generation of leaders. Haley also called for mental competency tests for politicians over the age of 75.

President Joe Biden has privately acknowledged to a close confidant that he may not be able to recover his campaign if he cannot persuade the public in the coming days that he is capable of leading, following a disappointing debate performance last week. While the president remains committed to his re-election campaign, a key ally, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, emphasized the urgency of his upcoming appearances. Biden has critical engagements ahead, including an interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News and campaign events in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. “He knows if he has two more events like that, we’re in a different place by the end of the weekend,” the ally stated, referring to Biden’s stumbling and incoherent debate presentation.

Anas Saleh, the pro-Hamas activist who ordered “Zionists” to identify themselves on the New York subway and told them “Raise your hand if you’re a Zionist. This is your chance to get out,” was arraigned in New York Tuesday morning, and the Manhattan DA is now officially prosecuting him, with his next court date scheduled for August 12. At least one woman told authorities she left the train out of fear she would be attacked. His lawyer is one Moira Meltzer-Cohen, who shamefully used her Jewishness to try and get the case thrown out by the judge, who thankfully didn’t bite.

Hundreds of soldiers from the Netzach Yehudah battalion who fought in Gaza participated in a joyous Hachnasas Sefer Torah on Tuesday, marching from the Gazan border to the shul at the Erez base. The Sefer Torah was donated by members of the Syrian community in Brooklyn headed by HaRav Ezriel Mansour who spoke to Rav Yosef Tzvi Rimon, the Chief Rabbi of Gush Etzion, and told him that they were interested in donating a small Sefer Torah that could serve the needs of troops operating in Gaza. Ra Rimon recommended that the Sefer Torah be donated to Netzech Yehudah, whose soldiers are operating in Gaza and lost precious members.

A flight from Madrid to Montevideo, Uruguay, operated by Air Europa, experienced severe turbulence on Monday, leaving dozens of passengers injured. The Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, flight UX045, was forced to make an emergency landing at Natal Airport in northeastern Brazil just after 2:30 a.m. According to the health secretariat of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, around 30 passengers were taken to local hospitals in Natal with minor abrasions or orthopedic traumas. One passenger even became lodged above an overhead bin during the chaos. The interior cabin was left in disarray, with ceiling panels torn off and oxygen masks suspended above seats. Ambulances were waiting outside the cabin window to transport injured passengers. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
