YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of Harav Moshe Wolfson zt”l, the Mashgiach of Mesivta Torah Vodaas and Rav of Bais Medrash Emunas Yisroel in Boro Park. He was approximately 99 years old. A renowned gadol who inspired tens of thousands throughout his long and storied life, Rav Moshe delivered powerful addresses in both English and Yiddish, and his seforim, Emunas Etecha and Wellsprings of Faith, have changed the lives of untold numbers of people, strengthening their attachment to Torah, Tefillah, and Emunah. Levaya details will be published when they become available. The video below is from his Bais Medrash tonight as his followers and admirers begin grieving his loss. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

As YWN reported earlier this month, a special fund is being established to aid yeshivos and kollelim in Eretz Yisrael that are facing an unprecedented financial crisis after the government cut more than twenty percent of funding to yeshivos and kollelim across the entire Eretz Yisroel. A historic trip to launch the fund will begin on Motzei Shabbos, with Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau, HaMashgiach HaGaon HaRav Don Segal, the Rachamastrika Rebbe, Rosh Yeshivas Ahavat Shalom HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Hillel, and Rosh Yeshivas Meor HaTorah HaGaon HaRav Avraham Salim traveling to the United States.

Yehuda Green has done it again! His brand new album titled “Amar Abayeh” is already making waves throughout the world, with hartzige nigunim sung in classic Yehuda style. The music of Yehuda is sung in every home, at every Simcha, at every Kumzits. With his classics such as “Nishmas”,  “Neshamale”, Hashiveinu, “Mashiach”, “Barcheini”, “Neshamele” and so many others, this new album will be taking us back to our roots. Now Yehuda sings about the Amoraim of the Gemarah, Simchas Hatorah, and our hope to return to our land, the land given to our fathers, to Eretz Hakodesh. “Amar Abayeh” features not ten, but thirteen songs from the Carlebach of our generation. Songs like “Venismach”, “Amar Abayeh”, and “Ribono Shel Oilam” are sure to be favorites for the Summer season, and years to come.

In a precise and targeted strike, the IDF and Israel Security Agency (ISA) eliminated a leading Hamas sniper and Nukhba Forces Commander, Ahmed Hassan Salame Alsauarka, in the Beit Hanoun area of northern Gaza. Alsauarka was a key figure in the October 7th Massacre, leading sniper attacks and infiltrating Israeli communities in southern Israel. According to IDF and ISA intelligence, Alsauarka was a squad commander in the Nukhba Forces and played a significant role in Hamas’ attacks on IDF troops. Following an extensive search, IDF troops identified and eliminated him in the Beit Hanoun area. To minimize civilian harm, the IDF took several precautions before the strike, resulting in no civilian casualties.

Physically and mentally, Joe Biden is cooked. There’s really no way to beat around the bush about it anymore. One new video shows President Joe Biden struggling to climb into a Secret Service SUV upon arriving in Delaware. The video, initially shared by the Trump War Room X account, shows Biden gingerly approaching the vehicle and using his arms to push himself into the SUV. “Crooked Joe Biden—who is hardly ambulatory at this point—had a really hard time getting into the SUV,” the Trump War Room wrote. In a separate incident, Biden forgot the name of his Secretary of Homeland Security during a speech, further fueling concerns about his mental acuity.

The Melbourne office of Jewish Labor MP Josh Burns was vandalized and set on fire early Wednesday morning. The perpetrators smashed windows, started a fire at the front of the office, and scrawled “Zionism is fascism” in red paint on the wall. Burns denounced the attack as a “politically motivated” act, and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese strongly condemned the incident. “This is an escalation of the attacks that we’ve seen. We’ve been talking about this. We’ve got to dial this down,” Albanese said. “For some people, they feel very strongly about issues in the Middle East.

Chaverim of Boro Park hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Sunday to celebrate the grand opening of their new garage at 1125 48th Street in Boro Park. The event was attended by local law enforcement and elected officials, including Councilman Kalman Yeger, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, NYPD Deputy Chief Richie Taylor, and many other officials and community activists. THIS STORY WAS FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE BORO PARK SCOOP STATUS CLICK HERE SIGN UP TO THE BORO PARK SCOOP WHATSAPP STATUS TO BE INFORMED OF BORO PARK NEWS IN LIVE TIME

The New York City Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying five anti-Semites wanted in connection with an antisemitic assault that occurred in the 90th Precinct. The incident, which is being investigated by the NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force, took place on Thursday, June 6, at approximately 11:46 PM, in the vicinity of Lorimer Street and Meserole Street. According to police, a 41-year-old male victim was walking in the area when five unidentified individuals made anti-Semitic statements and threw traffic cones and bottles at him, causing minor injuries.

A shocking video has emerged of a bigot spitting on a 74-year-old Jewish man and shouting “Free Palestine” on the Upper West Side on Sunday. The disturbing attack, which was caught on camera, shows the man charging towards the elderly victim, who was wearing a yarmulke, on Amsterdam Avenue near West 86th Street. The victim tells the aggressor to “get the hell away from me” as a bystander intervenes, but the attacker walks around him and spits at the older man. The video shows the attacker continuing to spit in the direction of the victim while stepping backward, as several witnesses yell at him, calling him “disgusting.” A group of New Yorkers surrounds the alleged antisemite, shouting at him to leave, with one man placing his hand on the victim’s shoulder. “You’re a loser.

Over a thousand talmidim in Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo gathered on Tuesday for a special shiur by HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau marking the yahrzeit of HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, z’tl. At the end of the shiur, HaRav Landau addressed the looming recruitment law: “We’re now in a very difficult situation – עומדים עלינו לכלותינו רחמנא ליצלן שלא יהיה. Bnei Yeshivos, Bnei Torah need to be mechazeik very much against this and the chizzuk is in limmud Torah.” “They’re planning terrible things against us and we need to trust in Hashem and daven that everything will be okay, not to be oisek in the foolishness they’re speaking about, only to sit and learn and talk in Torah – to learn more and more.
