Emergency sirens are currently blaring throughout the Tel Aviv region, encompassing the city itself, areas situated to the east near Ben-Gurion airport, as well as towns in the northern and southern sectors.

Arab-Israeli Mohammad Kabiya, who served in the Israeli Air Force, was interviewed by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, who predictably began by asking if “Israel is doing enough to limit civilian casualties in Gaza?” Kabiya refused to focus on the anti-Semitic obsession with the suffering of the “innoce

The well-known Maggid, HaRav Baruch Rosenbloom, spoke about the power of Perek 91 of Tehillim in his weekly shiur. “HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau said at the beginning of the war that each person should say “יושב בסתר עליון.” Why?

Following a vile speech by New York City Councilmember Shahana Hanif in which she called for a “ceasefire” to protect Hamas terrorists, Councilman Kalman Yeger took to the floor of the Council to lay out the harsh truths and realities of the situation in Israel to Hanif and

Many former senior defense officials in Israel have been issuing warnings about Israel’s plan for a ground incursion into the Gaza Strip.

In an apparent attempt at garnering goodwill on the international stage, the Hamas terror group – the very same one that beheaded babies and burned people alive – released a video showing them helping two women in their 80s they had taken hostage, as they released them back to Israel.

Dr. Phil posted a video in defense of Israel, in which he decried the behavior at US universities as “ivy-covered intellectual rot” “The Hamas charter calls for the ultimate annihilation of all Israeli Jews followed by the annihilation of Jews around the world,” he said.

Liberal comedian Bill Maher went off on Harvard students and faculty, pointing out their stupidity and hypocrisy as it has pertained to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

British bestselling author and newspaper columnist Douglas Murray, who has a way with words when it comes to defending Israel, said in a recent interview that “Israel is the only country in the world that’s never allowed to win a war.” “That’s why by the way, you have the situation in Gaza – you have all the international idiots tellin

Benny Chasson, a resident of Kissufim, a kibbutz next to the Gaza border, told Channel 14 about how he ascertained that the IDF soldiers who rescued him weren’t Hamas terrorists in disguise.
