Girl Believed to be Tiniest Surviving Newborn Weighed as Much as an Apple at Birth [VIDEO]When she was born, the baby girl weighed about the same as an apple.
A San Diego hospital on Wednesday revealed the birth of the girl and said she is believed to be the world’s tiniest surviving micro-preemie, who weighed just 8.6 ounces (245 grams) when she was born in December.

 Non-Jew Speaks Fluent Chassidish YiddishThe attached video was taken earlier this week at keter Judaica in Boro Park.
The individual in the video is speaking a fluent Chassidish Yiddish – yet he is not even Jewish!
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 Kushner And Greenblatt Visit Rabbi Pinto, Daven At Kevarim [VIDEO & PHOTOS]Jared Kushner, son-in-law and senior advisor to President Donald Trump, visited Morocco on Tuesday. He was joined by Presidential advisor Jason Greenblatt, as the Trump administration tries to rally Arab support for a peace conference next month in Bahrain.

 Climbers Dying Amid Backlog to Reach Mount Everest’s SummitScaling Mount Everest was a dream few realized before Nepal opened its side of the mountain to commercial climbing a half-century ago. This year the government issued a record number of permits, leading to traffic jams on the world’s highest peak that likely contributed to the greatest death toll in four years.

 Story Of Reb Shimon Lavie, Author Of Piyut “Bar Yochai”The attached video is the story of Reb Shimon Lavie, the author of the Piyut “Bar Yochai”, sung by Yidden around the globe on Lag B’Omer. This video was shown on Monday night at the Yeshiva Toras Aron Dinner.
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 Car Blows Past Stopped Monsey School Bus While Children Getting OnThis is how children get killed.
This incident occurred in Monsey on Tuesday morning, as a school bus had stopped to pick up children waiting to go to Yeshiva.
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 Ukrainian Airlines Profiles Jewish Passengers; Tefillin, Jewelry, Shaitels And Other Valuables All Missing [VIDEO]Ukrainian Airlines seems to have intentionally profiled Orthodox Jewish passengers on a flight this week, in what looks like an inside job to rob them blind.

 Privately Funded Border Wall Under Construction in El PasoA privately funded organization called “We Build the Wall” began work this weekend on a project to erect a section of border wall in the El Paso sector.
Former Kansas Secretary of State, Kris Kobach, said on “Fox & Friends” Monday that the project was undertaken because there is a “ridiculously large gap” near Mount Cristo Rey, and drug and human smugglers have been taking advantage of it.
