Barr Says ‘I Think Spying Did Occur’ On Trump Campaign [VIDEO]Attorney General William Barr said Wednesday he is reviewing the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, declaring he believed the president’s campaign had been spied on and wanted to make sure proper procedures were followed.
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 Trump Says He Won’t Deliver Tax Returns To Congress [VIDEO]President Donald Trump, facing a congressional deadline for his administration to provide his tax returns, said Wednesday that he “won’t do it” while he’s under audit by the IRS.
Trump told reporters on the White House lawn that “I would love to give them, but I’m not going to do it while I’m under audit.”

 Watch This Williamsburg Anti-Vaxxer “Community Activist” Give Media InterviewIsaac Abraham, a Williamsburg “community activist”, who has been giving media interviews for years and years, called Mayor DeBlasio some choice words in this interview.
For reasons unknown, the media has been going to Abraham for statements for decades, as if he was appointed by the community, when in fact, he is speaking for himself.

 1 Dead, 15 Injured In North Carolina Gas Explosion [VIDEOS]A gas explosion that partially collapsed a North Carolina building and set it ablaze Wednesday morning killed one person and injured more than a dozen others, police said.
Police cars blocked the streets near the explosion in downtown Durham and a thick, acrid smoke hung over the shopping district created from remodeled tobacco warehouses.

Massive Fire Engulfs Kiryas Joel Home [VIDEO & PHOTOS]A fast moving fire has totally destroyed a Kiryas Joel (Monroe) home on Wednesday morning.
The fire department received calls reporting the blaze just after 9:00AM, at 250 Schunnemunk Road.
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 HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein Applauds Chareidi Success; Recites Tehillim To Thank HashemThe unexpected chareidi victory in the election for 21st Knesset resulting in a combined 16 seats for Shas and Yahadut Hatorah was reason for celebration for HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein.

 Trump Congratulates Netanyahu on Re-Election, Tweets Photo of Trump Flags at Likud Victory PartyIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says US President Donald Trump and VP Mike Pence have called to congratulate him on his election win.
Netanyahu’s office issued a statement Wednesday saying Trump called from Air Force One.

 Fascinating Kashrus Shiur By Harav Moshe Heinemann From The SiyumLoss Control: The profound impact of הפסד מרובה in כשרות
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 Blue and White Threaten Likud; Lapid Promises to Make Life ‘Miserable’ For Netanyahu [VIDEO]Even though they received nearly the same number of votes as Likud, the Blue and White party were forced to concede defeat as it is next-to-impossible for them to form a left-wing coalition with the current make-up of parties set to enter the next Knesset.
