by Rabbi Yair Hoffman Today the 24th of Cheshvan is the Yahrtzeit of Rav Dovid Kviat zatzal, one of my Rebbeim. In honor of the yahrtzeit is some Torah that he said. May his neshama be a meilitz yosher for us all. What happens when the doctor says that a sick person must eat something forbidden? Does he recite a bracha or not? Many of us are familiar with the verse in Tehillin (10:3) “Botzea beireich ni’aitz Hashem — A thief who blesses blasphemes Hashem.” The Gemorah uses this verse to describe someone who blesses on stolen food. The Mishna Brurah (196:3), based on the Rambam and Poskim, rules that it is not only stolen food to which this verse can be applied — but also to someone who purposefully eats non-kosher food.
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