New York – In a rare order, New York City is requiring residents of a heavily Orthodox Jewish neighborhood to be vaccinated for measles. Now the question is how officials intend to enforce that demand. Authorities plan to start by asking people sickened in the city’s biggest measles outbreak since 1991 about where they’ve been [...]

Jerusalem – Benny Gantz, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s chief rival, says “nothing is over, we are making our moves,” despite election results that appear to hand Netanyahu a clear mandate for a fifth term. Gantz told reporters Wednesday that the broad support for his centrist Blue and White party proves “the people want a different [...]

Gaza – A senior Hamas leader is dismissing the outcome of Israel’s election as irrelevant, saying “all parties are faces of one coin, the coin of occupation.” Khalil al-Hayya said Wednesday that “there is no difference” between the Israeli parties, and pledged that Gaza’s militant Hamas rulers would continue seeking to “end the occupation and [...]

Washington – Twitter removed a campaign video posted by President Donald Trump after Warner’s Bros. Pictures complained about the use of the score from its 2012 movie “The Dark Knight Rises.” Trump on Tuesday tweeted the video, which featured images of Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton juxtaposed with images from Trump’s two years in [...]

Jerusalem – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secured a clear path to reelection on Wednesday, with religious-rightist parties set to hand him a parliamentary majority despite a close contest against his main centrist challenger, a vote tally showed. With more than 97 percent of votes counted, Netanyahu’s conservative Likud party looked likely to muster enough [...]

Salem, OR – Rose Marie Bentley was an avid swimmer, raised five kids, helped her husband run a feed store, and lived to the ripe age of 99. It was only after she died that medical students discovered that all her internal organs — except for her heart — were in the wrong place. The [...]

 Blue and White Threaten Likud; Lapid Promises to Make Life ‘Miserable’ For Netanyahu [VIDEO]Even though they received nearly the same number of votes as Likud, the Blue and White party were forced to concede defeat as it is next-to-impossible for them to form a left-wing coalition with the current make-up of parties set to enter the next Knesset.

Will Peretz Accommodate Ben-Gvir Or Will He Remain Out Of Knesset?While the final tabulation of votes hasn’t been completed, it appears that the United Right-Wing parties received a total of 5-to-6 seats. Itamar Ben-Gvir, among the heads of the Otzma Yehudit party, was seventh on the combined list and his entry into the 21st Knesset is now dependent on the good will of party chairman Rafi Peretz and number two man on the list, MK Betzalel Smotrich.

Bernie Sanders Unveils His New ‘Medicare For All’ PlanSen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont unveiled a new version of his “Medicare for All” plan on Wednesday, shaking up the 2020 presidential race by reopening the debate over his call to eliminate private health insurance.
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Woman Lived To 99 With Most Organs On Wrong Side Of BodyRose Marie Bentley was an avid swimmer, raised five kids, helped her husband run a feed store, and lived to the ripe age of 99. It was only after she died that medical students discovered that all her internal organs — except for her heart — were in the wrong place.
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 More Chareidim and Fewer WomenAs the final results in the election for 21st Knesset appear to have been tabulated, the picture is one of a Knesset with more chareidim; sixteen representatives as compared to thirteen in the outgoing Knesset, as well as fewer women.
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 Fascinating Kashrus Shiur By Harav Moshe Heinemann From The SiyumLoss Control: The profound impact of הפסד מרובה in כשרות
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Beit Shemesh Chesed Organizations Shocked By StoryWhen young men and women struggling to find their soulmate reach the chuppah at last, it is often assumed that marriage will bring their ‘happily ever after.’ For the H family of Beit Shemesh, however, it was the beginning of tremendous struggle.
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 8-Year-Old Girl Struck & Killed By VehicleAn 8-year-old girl was R”L struck and killed by a vehicle and on Wednesday afternoon in Elad. The accident occurred on Shemaya Street.
The child was riding a bicycle when she was stuck.
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Ex-Journalist To Get Resentenced In Jewish Threats CaseA former journalist from St. Louis who terrorized his ex-fiance and made bomb threats in her name to Jewish groups must be resentenced.
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan cited a legal flaw Wednesday in ordering Juan Thompson’s resentencing.
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35-Year-Old Chareidi Woman R”L Killed In An MVA In Rishon L’TzionA 35-year-old chareidi woman was R”L killed in a vehicular accident in Rishon L’Tzion on Wednesday morning.
The woman, a pedestrian, was struck on Moshe Levi Street. EMS personnel tried to resuscitate her but were unsuccessful.
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 Arab-Thrown Hammer Smashes A Windshield Of A Jewish Vehicle(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE)
Students from an Arab school threw a hammer at a passing Jewish vehicle near Maale Amos in Gush Etzion on Wednesday afternoon.
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House Passes Bill To Restore ‘Net Neutrality’ RulesThe House has passed bill Wednesday to restore Obama-era “net neutrality” rules, but the legislation faces slim odds of making it through the Republican-controlled Senate.
The Save the Internet Act passed the Democrat-controlled House 232-190 Wednesday, with only one Republican vote in favor.
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 Trump Congratulates Netanyahu on Re-Election, Tweets Photo of Trump Flags at Likud Victory PartyIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says US President Donald Trump and VP Mike Pence have called to congratulate him on his election win.
Netanyahu’s office issued a statement Wednesday saying Trump called from Air Force One.
