Defense minister announces toppling of regime, says a transitional military council will rule for 2 years

67,000-year-old bones and teeth from previously unknown member of 'Homo' branch of the family tree

Attacks against Jews in Crown Heights stir old fears and new dialogue; Madonna's Israel trip for Eurovision finale has billionaire backer aiming to bolster country's image

Beresheet spacecraft expected at Terminal 3 between flights from Istanbul and Madrid, website jokes

New York – Authorities say a flight to Los Angeles returned to New York’s Kennedy Airport shortly after takeoff because it had struck a sign and light on the runway. American Airlines Flight 300 was carrying 101 passengers when it took off at 8:40 p.m. Wednesday. It landed safely at 9:09 p.m. and taxied to [...]

After poor showing in Tuesday’s election, Eran Hermoni says he told the former Kulanu minister that his time at the helm of the center-left party is up

With Netanyahu set to retake power, the only questions are if New Right can finagle a way in, how he'll fight to stay out of legal trouble, and what went wrong for everyone else

For almost seven years, Julian Assange has lived in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London. The WikiLeaks founder feared that if he left the diplomatic outpost, located in an apartment building in the post neighborhood of Knightsbridge, he would be arrested by British authorities.
In the end, however, Assange didn’t need to be kicked out for British police to arrest him: Police officers went into the embassy. A video of the arrest showed Assange, grey-bearded and pale after years indoors, being pulled out the embassy and pushed into a waiting police van.
But how were British police officers legally able to enter the building, if it was under the diplomatic control of Ecuador? The answer is simple: Ecuador allowed them to.

When they broke from Jewish Home, Shaked and Bennett left an angry religious-Zionist faction behind -- one none too eager to back them as they hover just short of the threshold

London – The U.S. Justice Department has charged WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with conspiring with Chelsea Manning to break into a classified government computer. The charge was announced Thursday after Assange was taken into custody in London in connection with a U.S. extradition request, as well as for breaching U.K. bail conditions in 2012. His [...]

Satmar Rebbe’s Letter Against Participation in Israeli Elections to Be Auctioned OffThe Satmar Rebbe, Hagaon HaRav Yoel Teitelbaum’s letter explaining his psak against participation in Israeli elections, is going to be auctioned off after Pesach.
The auction, which is being organized by the Kedem Auction House in Jerusalem, was revealed to the public on Tuesday, election day in Israel.

Ecuador handed Julian Assange over to British authorities Thursday, ending a standoff that left the controversial WikiLeaks founder holed up in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London for nearly seven years and paving the way for his possible extradition to the United States.
Jennifer Robinson, Assange’s lawyer, confirmed on Twitter that her client was “arrested not just for breach of bail conditions but also in relation to a US extradition request.” Robinson did not immediately respond to requests for further comment.
U.S. authorities have prepared an arrest warrant and extradition papers, according to a U.S. official who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Jerusalem – The final ballots of Israel’s election were being tallied Thursday, with another nationalist faction tantalizingly close to crossing the 3.25% electoral threshold needed to get into parliament. Should the New Right party of Education Minister Naftali Bennett and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked break in, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s comfortable parliamentary majority would grow [...]

There is no reason to believe that anything untoward is going on. But delays, discrepancies and technical hitches threaten to undermine confidence in the results

Jerusalem – The New Right Party headed by Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked demanded a recount of the soldiers’ votes after the party fell just .03 percent short of the electoral threshold. The party needs about 1,380 more votes to be lifted to the required 3.25 percent electoral threshold. The counting of the so called [...]

Yahoo To Pay $117.5M In Latest Settlement Of Massive BreachNearly 200 million people who had sensitive information snatched from their Yahoo accounts will receive two years of free credit-monitoring services and other potential restitution in a legal settlement valued at $117.5 million.
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Lawsuit Planned to Challenge NYC’s Vaccination OrderNew York City’s effort to halt a measles outbreak by ordering mandatory vaccinations in one Brooklyn neighborhood is facing opposition, with lawyers for parents opposed to vaccinations promising to file a lawsuit challenging the order by Friday.
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A Private Spring

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
 Nissan is here. The cold is gone, snow is history, and the harsh weather is a thing of the past. The ground has warmed. Trees and bushes are beginning to show signs of life as tiny green buds begin to unfurl. Branches bloom, grass turns green, and squirrels and birds dart across the lawn seeking life. The sun rises higher in the sky, shining brighter, filling hearts with promises of warmth and color.
Young and old soak in the pleasures of recreation, walking, biking, and playing ball, as they strengthen their bodies, enhance their well-being, and broaden their perspective.

38-year-old who played for English clubs Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal will become professional manager for Beitar Jerusalem; 'I am happy with my soccer journey,' he says
