Rav Asher Margulies, a Yerushalmi mekubal, author of Kumi V’Roni
Rav Yehuda Kahana, the Kuntres Hasefeikos (1819)
Rav Levi Yitzchak (ben Moshe) Greenwald, the Tzelemer Rav (1980). He arrived in America in 1939, just before the onset of WW2, after his Beis Medrash was destroyed on Kristellnacht, and he re-established his Beis Medrash in Williamsburg. He also established one of the first Chasidishe yeshivos in America, Arugas Habosem, named after his father, the Chuster Rav, who was known as the Arugas Habosem.
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