It is with great sadness that reports the petira of R’ Dovid Traube, a 38-year-old father of seven from Monsey, NY, whose body was found in Greenwood Lake in Orange County, NJ, a short while ago.
R’ Traube had gone missing after attempting to rescue his ten-year-old son who had fallen into the lake during a boating outing yesterday.
The child, who was wearing a life jacket, was brought to land, as was the rest of the family, but R’ Dovid went missing.
Hatzolah and Chaveirim joined police and fire rescue units in conducting a search.
The search was suspended last night for several hours due to inclement weather, but then resumed, with the participation of the Greenwood Lake Fire Department, Hatzolah of Kiryas Yoel, New York State Police, COMSAR and others.
The niftar was found a short while ago. Levaya details will be forthcoming.
Boruch Dayan Emmes.
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