A Columbia University student tore up her diploma on stage during the School of Social Work commencement ceremony. The student, wearing zip-tie handcuffs and a keffiyeh, ripped her diploma into pieces before throwing it over her head and removing her graduation cap to reveal a message taped inside, which apparently nobody could make out. Many […]

Division 98 of the IDF killed dozens of Hamas terrorists in Jabalya in northern Gaza on Tuesday, in the largest battle in Gaza since mid-March and the largest battle in Jabalya since January.
While the IDF re – entered Jabalya over Shabbos and Sunday, only on Tuesday did the IDF finally find and confront larger quantities of Hamas’s reconstituted forces in that northern Gaza area.
Up until this point, the combat in Jabalya had only involved the IDF fighting a few Hamas members at a time, and dealing with smaller terror cells since January.
The last large fight anywhere in Gaza was when the IDF went back to Shifa Hospital in Gaza City in mid-March. That battle lasted between one to two weeks, depending on how one categorizes different stages of the fighting.

It was released for publication on Tuesday evening that an Israeli civilian was killed in the Hezbollah anti-tank missile attack on the Adamit kibbutz in the western Galil earlier on Tuesday. Also, five soldiers were wounded, one moderately and four lightly. Israeli media reports said that the civilian ran to help the IDF soldiers after […]

Voters across Maryland and West Virginia will decide key primary elections Tuesday with big implications in the fight for the Senate majority this fall. At the same time, Democratic President Joe Biden and Republican rival Donald Trump hope to project strength in low-stakes presidential primaries, while further down the ballot, two congressional candidates on opposite […]

Protesters in Sderot marched on Tuesday for the “Gaza March,” showing support for a widespread Jewish settlement in the Gaza Strip. According to organizers, thousands took part in the march, which was followed by a rally promoting the idea of “coming home.”
Several organizations associated with the event included the settlement movement Nachala, Torat Lechima—an organization focused on enhancing the Jewish character of the IDF—and the Homesh yeshiva.
Organizers stated that family members of hostages held by Hamas, as well as National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Otzma Yehudit MK Limor Son Har-Melech, addressed the rally.

Thousands of Israelis participated in a march in Sderot in southern Israel on Tuesday, Yom Ha’atzmaut, in a call for Israel to reestablish Jewish yishuvim in the Gaza Strip. During the march, Hamas fired a barrage of five rockets toward Sderot and nearby areas – forcing the participants to lie on the ground. Three of […]

The World Health Organization expressed complete confidence in the death toll figures provided by the Gaza Health Ministry, which is run by Hamas, on Tuesday. They stated that they were nearing confirmation of the scale of losses, especially after Israel raised concerns about a change in the numbers.
Last week, Gaza’s health ministry updated its breakdown of the total fatalities to around 35,000 since October 7. They reported that about 25,000 of these have been fully identified so far, with more than half being women and children.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will make a two-day state visit to China this week, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said Tuesday, in the latest show of unity between the two authoritarian allies against the U.S.-led Western liberal global order. Putin will meet Chinese leader Xi Jinping during his visit starting on Thurday, the ministry said, saying […]

Protesters against the war between Israel and Hamas were voluntarily taking down their tents in Harvard Yard on Tuesday after university officials agreed to discuss their questions about the endowment, bringing a peaceful end to the kinds of demonstrations that were broken up by police on other campuses. The student protest group Harvard Out of […]

BNEI BRAK (VINnews) — As has been the cu

The official spokesman for the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, Abu Muhammad, which is the military arm of the Fatah movement led by Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), has confirmed in an official statement that Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade fighters participated in the October 7th attack.
“On October 7th, our heroes in the brave unit participated in the invasion of the colonies (settlements) in the communities surrounding Gaza and the (military) positions known as the Gaza Division, and together with our brothers in the Palestinian struggle organizations captured many Zionists, some of them were transferred to us and some are still in our hands,” said Abu Muhammad in a recorded video published last week.

Former Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko said the long delay by the U.S. Congress in approving military aid for his country was “a colossal waste of time,” allowing Russian President Vladimir Putin to inflict more suffering in the 2-year-old invasion and prolonging the war. The severe lack of ammunition, which forced outgunned Ukrainian forces to surrender […]

The 2024 International Chidon Hatanach for youth featured two winners, Evyatar Bar-Gil, an eleventh-grader at the Ort Pelech High School in Yerushalayim, and David Shasha, a twelfth-grader at the Amit Yeshiva in Kfar Ganim, Petah Tikva, who tied for first place. The contest takes place every year on Israel’s Yom Ha’atzmaut.
The seecond place contestant was Dov Gotthelf from the US, and in third place, Noa Rivka Kahn, from Israel.
