Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the 70-year-old independent presidential candidate, has disclosed a history of significant health issues, including a parasite in his brain and mercury poisoning. In a 2012 deposition and a recent interview with The New York Times, Kennedy shared details about his health struggles, which have included memory loss, mental fogginess, and a […]

U.S. President Joe Biden delayed revealing that he ordered an arms shipment to Israel be paused last week until after he delivered a Holocaust remembrance day address at the U.S. Capitol, the Associated Press reported.
“There seem to be two Bidens,” wrote Abe Foxman, director emeritus of the Anti-Defamation League, the one who “spoke at the Holocaust event, who flew to Israel during war against Israel” and who supported Israel militarily and financially,” and the “political Biden, who engages in party politics—telling Israel it has [a] right to defend itself—but we will tell you when and how.”

In a rare show of unity, Israel Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Minister Benny Gantz and opposition leader Yair Lapid issued a joint statement on Wednesday calling on the public to preserve the sanctity of the Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror.
Yom Hazikaron will be observed on Sunday evening and Monday, ahead of Yom Ha’atzmaut, which will be observed starting on Monday evening.
The four leaders signed a letter drafted by Eli Ben-Shem, chairman of the Yad LaBanim organization for bereaved families. The letter urges Israelis to “leave disputes outside military cemeteries” and avoid political arguments at gravesites out of respect for the fallen and their families.

Thirty Chareidi youths (aged 18-20) were drafted on Thursday morning to Israel’s Border Police for their mandatory IDF service, Israel Police announced on Thursday. It is the first time in history that a special track with suitable conditions for Chareidim was opened in the Border Police. Previously, only the IDF had special tracks for Chareidim. […]

Plant-based burger maker Beyond Meat Inc.’s stock fell on Thursday after the company said it planned to raise prices in the US to counter a decline in sales.
Chief Executive Officer Ethan Brown’s turnaround strategy largely rests on Beyond Meat’s latest reformulated burger and beef products, which the company is promoting as healthier than previous versions. The burger, which Brown referred to as a “home run” on a call with analysts, will cost more at the supermarket, which he expects will help improve profitability. The company is also reducing its operating costs.

Agudath Israel of America is deeply troubled by the White House’s unprecedented decision to cease supplying certain arms to a country’s whose security the President has reiterated his ironclad commitment to, especially amidst Israel’s multifront war against its mortal enemies.
Nor is this arms embargo limited to large bombs, but, according to sources, could include smart bombs designed to hit targets with precision and artillery – in other words exactly the tools an army needs to fight while limiting civilian casualties.

A Boeing 737-300 plane carrying 85 people caught fire and skidded off a runway at Senegal’s main airport, near the capital of Dakar. Ten people were injured in the crash, including the pilot, the country’s transport minister said Thursday. Passengers were evacuated from the burning aircraft at Blaise Diagne International airport and some described “complete […]

Several vulnerable House Democrats have accepted campaign funds from the Pritzker family, owners of Hyatt Hotels Corporation, who have also bankrolled groups involved in anti-Jewish protests across the US. According to FEC data, the Pritzkers have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to these Democrats, as well as the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and […]

Barron Trump appears to be interested in following his father’s political footsteps. The 18-year-old will be a delegate at the Republican National Convention after being chosen for the role by the Florida state party, according to a list obtained by NBC News. It’s the most high-profile role Trump’s youngest child has taken on to date, after a mostly private childhood famously guarded by his mother, former First Lady Melania Trump.
The news comes on the heels of a glowing profile in The Daily Mail Wednesday, in which the British tabloid claimed Barron had “political aspirations” of his own. He will be joined by three of his siblings at the Republican National Convention as well: Eric, Donald Jr. and Tiffany, all of whom are set to serve as Florida delegates.

בס”ד In this critical hour, our soldiers face immense dangers defending our nation with unwavering courage. Yet, they lack essential gear, leading to heartbreaking losses. Today, we appeal to your generosity. Our soldiers require tactical equipment, protective clothing, and life-saving gear to strengthen their defense and ensure their well-being on the battlefield. Your support empowers […]

Leaders in the Sunshine State have again asserted a determination to protect the safety of Jewish students at the state’s universities as demonstrations against Israel’s war to defeat Hamas continue to intensify around the country.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Ben Sasse, president of the University of Florida, spoke on Wednesday at the campus in Gainesville, Fla.
In his speech, DeSantis noted that anti-Israel protesters are also targeting American symbols and even burning American flags. At George Washington University, said the governor, they “desecrated a statue of the father of our country.”

Israeli security officials on Thursday announced that they will officially be completely shutting down Meron and the Kever of Rabi Shimon bar Yochai for the upcoming Lag BaOmer celebrations, which fall on May 25-26 this year. “In accordance with the assessment of the situation in the IDF and in coordination with the relevant bodies, it […]

(VINnews) — In a rare rebuke, Agudath Yisrael, which tends to avoid condemnation of highly-positioned politicians other than in extreme instances, slammed President Biden’s “unprecedented decision” to cease supplying certain arms to Israel. In its scathing statement, the group said it is “deeply troubled by the White House’s unprecedented decision…especially amidst Israel’s multifront war against […]

Many say that US President Joe Biden has a long history of supporting Israel – a true statement. But what’s also true is that Biden also has a long history of duplicitous behavior toward Israel and doing what it takes to gain votes and advance his personal political career. In June 1982, while Israel was […]

MIAMI (AP) — Former President Donald Trump’s youngest son, Barron Trump, has been chosen to serve as a Florida delegate to the Republican National Convention, the state party chairman said Wednesday.
