The attached videos are were taken in Boro Park on Thursday, as two veteran MTA bus drivers refused to move for each other – both claiming that they had the “right of way”. It happened on 13th Avenue and 39th Street, just a week before Pesach, as traffic is substantially higher than usual. Two two drivers bickered and yelled at each other, while the entire area turned into gridlock for close to THIRTY MINUTES! The arrogant drivers refused to budge, until stuck motorists managed to convince the drivers to finally move. At one point, one driver yelled at someone taking videos of the incident. The driver then changed his attitude, and asked if the man had taken a nice picture of him. “Send it to Channel 2 News”, the driver said. Well, it’s not CBS, but it’s YWN! WATCH THE TWO VIDEOS: (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
The post INSANITY IN BORO PARK: Two MTA Buses Gridlock 13th Ave As They Fight With Each Other [SEE THESE VIDEOS] appeared first on The Yeshiva World.