On Wednesday morning, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein and Councilman Kalman Yeger endorsed Andrew Yang in the upcoming race for NYC Mayor on the Democratic ticket. The local Jewish political leaders cited Yang’s fresh perspective and unique skill set that will be necessary to solve the city’s many problems. At the press conference announcing their support for Yang, New York Times reporter Liam Stack asked Yang for his thoughts about the “investigation” against yeshivas who are seemingly not compliant with the city’s “substantial equivalency” standards of education. Assemblyman Eichenstein jumped in and took to the podium with a powerful and passionate response to Stack’s question. “I actually take issue with that question,” said Eichenstein, who pointed out that only 5 out of 275 yeshivas in New York City were actually considered underdeveloped, per NYC Department of Education’s report. “Five out of two hundred and seventy five is a pretty good ratio,” said Assemblyman Eichenstein. “And I challenge any school system to match that.” In contrast, Assemblyman Eichenstein quoted the shockingly dismal proficiency rates of the local School District 20 public school system, which are as low as 3% for fifth graders. “Perhaps the New York Times should do a story about that,” said Eichenstein. He also called the public schools data in his district “criminal neglect.” Eichenstein addressed Yang as “the next Mayor of New York,” who can work to solve the problems of the city’s public school system and called out the New York Times reporter for his “disingenuous” questioning, wondering aloud if he had even read the report on Yeshiva education. Watch full video of the exchange: (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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