In an announcement published in the Yated Neeman on Sunday morning, Erev Shavuos, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky and HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein called to the public to refrain from the usual minhag of walking to the Kosel on Shavuos. “During these days, when our enemies are acting brazenly, rachmana litzlan, and are trying to harm those who live in Eretz HaKodesh, it is incumbent upon each person to be mechazeik in all matters, and especially in limmud haTorah on Yom Matan Toraseinu,” the Gedolim stated. “And chalilah to engage in any acts of provoking the nations – which isn’t the derech of the Torah.” “Furthermore, ‘we need to be more machmir in matters of pikuach nefesh than some issurei halacha’ – everyone should distance themselves from protests and all places where our enemies gather.” “Therefore it’s appropriate this year not to place ourselves at risk and provoke [the nations] by walking to the Kosel on Shavous as well as to take heed not to pass by other places that may be dangerous or will provoke the nations.” Instructions not to go to the Kosel on Shavuos or other places that may pose a risk were also issued to Gerrer and Belzer chassidim. A notice to Gerrer chassidim stated that no one should go to the Kosel or frequent places that may be dangerous. In Belz, it was announced in the Beis Hamedresh HaGadol in Kiryat Belz in the presence of the Rebbe: “A request and announcement to all the bochurim from all Belzer yeshivos not to leave Kiryat Belz in Jerusalem from Erev Shavous until after the Chag, and especially not to go to the Old City and the Kosel.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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