Hours before the swearing-in of the Bennett-Lapid government on Sunday, Shas published a video from eight years ago of HaRav Ovadia Yosef, z’tl, speaking against Bayit Yehudi, then led by Naftali Bennett. In the course of his weekly shiur, Rav Ovadia had said: “There are people who think they’re religious – Mafdal [National Religious Party, precursor of Bayit Yehudi]. Who are these people? They call themselves ‘Bayit Yehudi’ – it’s not a bayit of Jews, it’s a bayit of goyim. They want to uproot the Torah, to establish civil marriage, public transportation on Shabbos. What type of religious people are they? It’s forbidden to call them religious, it’s forbidden to vote for them. Whoever votes for them is kofer the Torah.” “They’re all reshaim, haters of Torah, hater of mitzvos, sinners and causing others to sin. They want to cause taarovot – instead of the Rabbanut overseeing marriage, they want the Ministry of Religious Affairs to marry people, to establish civil marriage. How can people think they’re religious? There are MKs among them who are kofrim, completely secular. How could anyone support them?” “Each person will have to give a din v’cheshbon to Hakadosh Baruch Hu. On the Yom HaDin, he’ll be asked how he voted for these reshaim, for these kofrim, so they can uproot Yahadus from Am Yisrael. It’s the same thing as voting for chilonim. Anyone who voted for them will lower their head in shame.” חכם עדיף מנביא !!! pic.twitter.com/EqKo6KVYbl — אברשה אוחיון (@AvshalomOhayon) June 12, 2021 (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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