Opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday slammed Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, accusing him of endangering Israel by giving in to the demands of the US regarding nuclear Iran. “Last Thursday, Acting Prime Minister Lapid promised US Secretary of State Blinken to adhere to a mutual policy of ‘no surprises’ regarding Iran,” Netanyahu said at the start of a Likud party meeting. “This is an astounding Israeli commitment which severely damages the heart of our national security.” “If [Menachem] Begin would have behaved in this manner, we wouldn’t have bombed the reactor in Iraq. I was asked for many years to make this commitment – and I always refused. I never promised to announce all our activities in advance because it could have led to pressure not to carry it out or lead to leaks to the press. I consistently refused to respond to this request.” “This is what I did recently during my talks with Biden and Defense Minister Austin. I responded that I would take their requests into consideration and that’s it. This was my directive to security forces in order that we would present a united front. And now, before even three days passed from the formation of the new government, the Acting Prime minister repealed this founding principle.” נתניהו בישיבת סיעת הליכוד: "בשעה שבנט מדבר גבוהה-גבוהה על 'התליין מטהראן', הוא וראש ממשלתו לפיד הפקיעו מידי מדינת ישראל את חופש הפעולה לפעול ללא דיווח מקדים נגד משטר האייתולות בטהראן. אני לא יכול לחשוב על מסר יותר חלש ויותר רופס לאויבינו באיראן"@shemeshmicha pic.twitter.com/Od8gLjCs22 — כאן חדשות (@kann_news) June 21, 2021 “I can’t think of a weaker message to our enemies in Tehran. I can’t think of a better present for the ‘Hangman of Tehran.’ From now on, he and his fellow regime members know they can sleep soundly – there will be no surprises! From now, the new government of Israel is obligated to coordinate every action against the Iranian nuclear program with the administration in Washington.” “It’s clear to all that the government won’t take military action against Iran. Lapid and Bennett are worthy of the title ‘government of change’ – a negative change regarding the security of our future.” “The Lapid-Bennett government isn’t worthy of leading Israel for even one day. Replacing this government is a top priority. It’s not a political matter, it’s a matter of national security, of pikuach nefesh. And we – my fellow Likud members and all the members of the opposition – will do everything to replace this government as quickly as possible. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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