Recently, after a revelation of horrific events involving Chaim Walder, frum Jewry is faced with many shailohs regarding the proper way to handle it. In this episode of Headlines, Dovid Lichtenstein delves deeply into the topic with leading psychologists and Poskim, answering questions such as:
-Do the rules change when a public figure and role model is involved in a scandal?
-How much evidence do you need before you publish accusations, especially when there is a danger to the community?
-Does the community owe a responsibility to hold the perpetrator responsible to ensure that the victims have justice and to deter such conduct by others?
-How do we inform and educate the community about such a scandal including teachers and parents who have to explain it to children, as well as so many young adults in the community at large?
-Can we continue reading the books of a molester if the message of the books themselves are positive?
We hear from clinical psychologist and founder of Lo Tishtok Tzviki Fleishman, discussing 3rd party testimony. Rabbi Zalman Graus, preeminent expert in the Bais Din process. Rabbi Zev Leff, Rov, Posek, and Maggid Shiur about the the use of the books, and addressing questions involving Loshon Hara or Malbin Pnai Chavairo. HaGaon Harav Aharon Sorscher, Rov of Waterbury Connecticut and Maggid Shiur of Shas Illuminated discussing the process of listening to victims and where sympathy lies. Jonathan Rosenblum, Mishpacha Columnist and Author on the impact on Israeli society and if a suicide should get a mass funeral and nichum availim from the Chief Rabbi.
Click Here To Listen to This Groundbreaking New Episode
With everything happening in the world today, it’s safe to say the we as frum jews have a lot of questions on how to correctly deal with these situations that come up in and day out.
Halacha Headlines Podcast features a weekly topic drawn from current events and matzavs, and with a panel of Rabbanim, discusses the best way we- as a klal, can approach contemporary society.
Some topics include Hafganos and racism, shidduchim and dating in the era of corona, mesira, vacations, life insurance, buying and selling stocks, police and police enforcement, the Israel UAE accord- all explored from halachic and hashkafic perspectives.
Needless to say, Halacha Headlines is more than necessary these days, and has given thousands the koach to approach modern situations more educated on the halachic implications. I think this is something everyone has to check out to hear for themselves.
To View More Episodes of Halacha Headlines, Click Here
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