Back for its second year, the AKO Kashrus Camp Initiative is here to help any camp that wants to set itself up to succeed at serving kosher all summer long. Rabbi Moshe Kaufman, Kashrus Administrator for KVH Kosher ~ Rabbinical Council of New England and Co-chairman of the AKO Camp Kashrus Committee explains to us in depth, the great need to set your camp up with the proper systems in place. 

With summer’s arrival, the grilling season has officially begun. What is the deal with pre-seasoned cast iron pans? Can they be used as is? Do they need to be kashered? If so, how does one kasher? Let’s listen to Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Administrative Rabbinical Coordinator at the cRc, as he navigates us through this sugya.

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Bracha On Manna

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
What Bracha did the Yidden make on the Manna in the Midbar? On bread we make Hamotzie lechem min Haaretz. Did they make the same bracha? There are seven opinions.

It happens all the time that we hear about a specific store selling produce from Eretz Yisroel. Most of us stay away from that produce to avoid problems with Trumos and Maasros. Well not anymore! Rabbi Dovid Cohen – Administrative Rabbinical Coordinator at the cRc, walks us through the Mitzvah of separating Trumos and Maasros clearly and concisely.

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By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
The Gemara in Shabbos 117b discusses what to do in a case where a fire is devastating one’s home on Shabbos. It would be permissible to take enough food for three meals out of the burning house and bring it into his courtyard or “karmelis.” The Gemara explains that if the fire would happen at night, before any meals were eaten, he may take out food for three meals. If the fire would happen in the morning, he would be allowed to take out food for two meals. If the fire would start at Mincha, he would only be allowed to take out food for one meal.

If you’re wondering why a tank would need to be kashered, you probably aren’t thinking of a storage tank. Storage tanks are those massive white round buildings you often pass on the highway, and have probably wondered what they are. Let’s listen to Rabbi Yochanan Schnall – a Rabbinic Coordinator at the cRc as he explains the processes involved in kashering entire multi-storied buildings!

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By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
The Torah tells us that a mitztaer is exempt from the mitzvah of Sukkah. One may say that this exemption of a mitztaer being pattur from Sukkah is only applicable to the mitzva of Sukkah as the Torah commands us to dwell in the Sukkah the same way a person needs to dwell in his house a whole year.
The Radvaz, the Birkei Yosef and the Sdei Chemed all say that a mitztaer is not only pattur from Sukka, but from all other mitzvos too. The Chelkas Yoav differentiates between Sukkah and other mitzvos. Even the slightest tzaar is enough to patter one from the mitzvah of Sukkah; however, regarding other mitzvos one may be patter only if he has a lot of tzaar.

Potayto, Potahto: It’s All A Matter Of Perspective
Potatoes. A staple for Pesach in most homes. Let’s listen in to Rabbi Avraham Juravel – Rabbinic Coordinator at the OU, and the chief Rabbi of Idaho Falls, as he talks about potatoes and the kashrus related issues.

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Hidden Hazards: Chometz In Disguise
“What can be wrong with…?” That’s a question that is fairly common when it comes to kashrus. But when it comes to Pesach, the answer to that question changes drastically. Let’s listen in to Rabbi Avraham Juravel who is a Rabbinic Coordinator at the OU, as well as being in charge of their ingredient division, who explains in great detail what can be wrong with seemingly innocuous products.
