Translated and Annotated by Rabbi Yair Hoffman
This article first appeared at Arutz Sheva.
This past Thursday, Hamas murderers opened fire at a Givat Shaul bus stop, injuring eleven and murdering three people in cold-blood. Among them was a remarkable Torah scholar who was a dayan in Ashdod – Rav Elimelech Wasserman zt”l and HY”D.

Kosher Menu – At A Non-Kosher Venue
Have you ever been to a hotel for an event, or for a Shabbos program? Did you ever think about the details on how the kitchen becomes kosher? Kashering a non-kosher kitchen is a very complicated process, yet it is done very often. Let’s listen to Rabbi Aaron Mendelson from Kosher Services, as he explains what the consumer should know before partaking in any event in a hotel.

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Kosher Cocktails
Many cocktails use vodka or rum as their base. While these 2 alcoholic drinks are seemingly innocuous, occasionally they can be distilled from problematic ingredients. Let’s hear from Rabbi Akiva Niehaus – Director of Kashrus Operations at the cRc and the Rabbinic Coordinator of the Liquor Industry at the cRc what to look out for.

What’s The Main Ingredient?
Let’s listen in to Rabbi Dovid Heber – Kashrus Administrator at Star-K as he walks us through the complicated sugyos of ikar and tafel in regards to Brachos. 

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By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Eretz Yisroel they begin to say “vesen tal umatar” on zayin Cheshvan. In Chutz Le’Aaretz we begin saying “vesen tal umatar” on December 4th or on December 5th the year before a secular leap year. In the event that a person from abroad is in Eretz Yisroel on the 7th of Cheshvan we find that there is a machlokes haposkim whether the person should say vesen tal umatar or not.
The Chazon Ish and Tchebiner Rov paskened that the people of Chutz Le’Aaretz should say vesen tal umatar in their davening just like the inhabitants of the place where he is at that moment, which is in Eretz Yisroel. This is their psak even in a case where the person will go back home before the month of Nissan.

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
If Reuven has a seder kavua of learning in the morning may he be mevatel Torah to attend a bris milah? “Aseh docheh Lo Saseh” is a concept that we learn in the gemara in Yevamos 5b. The gemara adds to this that one cannot learn “Aseh docheh Lo Saseh that has kareis” from the fact that bris milah is doche Shabbos because the mitzvah of “bris” is different. The Torah speaks about bris thirteen times. That is why is has a special ruling and is docheh Shabbos. The question arises; why does a bris that is not “bizmano” (on time) not docheh Shabbos?

Taste Stealing 

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

Although not directly related to kashrus, the kashrus agencies are the ones who can help us figure out exact ingredients in products. Let’s listen in to Rabbi Dovid Heber as he guides us through various breakfast cereals and their proper brochos. 

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By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
We see in Sandhedrin 46a that we learn about all of the zayin mitzvos bnei Noach from a posuk in Bereishis 2:15 tes vov that Hashem commanded Adam saying… These are the mitzvos bnei Noach. One of these mitzvos is the prohibition of “gezel,” stealing.

War and Teshuva 

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Bereishis (18:23) the posuk tells us that Avraham asked Hashem, “Will you kill a tzaddik with a Rasha?” Avraham goes through a whole negotiation with Hashem that maybe there are fifty tzadikim, then he said forty-five, and continued going down until ten.
