Rabbi Wilhelm, Dean of Online Smicha, is joined by Rabbi Gershon Grossbaum for a in-depth demonstration of the proper shofar blowing technique, according to minhag Chabad.



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By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
The posuk in Bamidbar, Perek Chof Ches, posuk yud alef says that a special korban was brought every Rosh Chodesh.


To receive Matzav.com’s Daily Dose of Chesed podcast by email, send your email address to dailydoseofchesed@gmail.com.


To receive Matzav.com’s Daily Dose of Chesed podcast by email, send your email address to dailydoseofchesed@gmail.com.

By Rabbi Moshe Zywica, Executive Rabbinic Coordinator, OU Kosher
This year we have the opportunity to perform an Eruv Tavshilin on Thursday, April 25th for the second days of Yom Tov.

Q. I have heard people say they “don’t sell chometz gomur.” Why not?
A. A common method for relinquishing ownership of chometz before Pesach is to sell it, typically through an agent, to a gentile. The chometz remains in the house, in a closed-off area that has been rented to its new owner. After Pesach the agent repurchases the chometz on your behalf (and the rental period ends).
