Written by Rabbis Eli Gersten, Yaakov Luban, and Moshe Zywica of the Orthodox Union
The Rema (Shulchan Aruch OC 695:2) writes that when Purim is on erev Shabbos, it is preferable to begin the Purim seuda in the morning (before midday) so as not to detract from the honor of Shabbat.

By Rav Avrohom Dovid Waxman
The mitzvah of hadlokas neiros Chanukah is typically fulfilled in the most preferred form- mehadrin min ha’mehadrin– with each obligated individual lighting the amount of neiros corresponding to that particular night of Chanukah. This method provides the individual with a kiyum of mitzvas neiros Chanukah and a kiyum of the inyan to enhance the mitzvahhiddur mitzvah. The basic requirement of the mitzvah, however, is fulfilled by merely lighting one ner for the household on each night of Chanukah.

What is your opinion about celebrating the holiday of Thanksgiving tonight with a turkey dinner?
Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l:
Thanksgiving is a holiday that was manufactured by gentiles for the purpose of going to church. That’s what the original purpose was. And therefore it’s avoda zara and Jews are forbidden to participate in such a thing. If you eat turkey especially for Thanksgiving, you’re an oveid avoda zara. That’s my opinion.

By Rabbi Avrohom Dovid Waxman
Li’iluy Nishmas Rav Pinchas Gershon Halevi zatza”l ben Rav Yeshaya Dovid zt”l
A Marbitz Torah and an exemplary Ba’al Chessed, who always loved Divrei Torah
The Aderes (Ovar Orach, siman 72) was asked a sheilah regarding a ger tzedek who wished to receive anesthesia before having his Bris Milah, thereby avoiding pain and fear as he would be asleep.
The Aderes responded that nowhere in the Torah does it state that pain is a necessary component of the mitzvas milah. The absence of tzaar is not brought as something that invalidates a milah.

By Rav Avrohom Dovid Waxman 
The Gemara in Sukkah (53a) relates that Rav Yehoshua Ben Chananya testified that during the great simcha of the simchas Beis Hashoeiva in the Beis Hamikdash, the Yidden did not sleep, as they were completely involved the entire day and night with Avodas Hashem and simcha. The Gemara asks, that a person who swears that he will not sleep for three days is oiver the lav of shvuas shav- as it impossible to go three days without sleep. How is it possible that they did not sleep on Sukkos?! The Gemara answers that Rav Yehoshua ben Chananya meant that they merely dozed momentarily on each other’s shoulders- “minamni akasfa dihadadi”- but did not actually go to sleep properly.

Generally, the halacha is that when a person makes a bracha on a food, the bracha is in effect so long as he does not change his location. If one changes locations (i.e. leaves his house), the bracha is no longer in effect. There are however various instances in which a bracha can remain in effect even upon a change of location.Rav Moshe Feinstein writes (Igros Moshe O”C 2 57) that if one continuously eats a food while changing locations, no new bracha is required on that food. For example, if one made a bracha on a sucking candy while in his home and then leaves his house while still sucking the candy, no new bracha is required to finish the candy.

When the family of Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt”l was sitting shiva for Rebbetzin Elyashiv a”h, a Canadian Jew came to be menachem avel. He told the family that he came especially to be menachem avel as a sign of gratitude to Rebbetzin Elyashiv for helping his family during a painful and distressing period.
The man related that one of his daughters had veered from the path of Yiddishkeit and abandoned every vestige of Jewish life. Eventually, she did the worst possible thing and actually married a non-Jew.

Q and A Rabbi Daniel Dombroff 
Moderated by Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger

Special Fruit 

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

Q and A with Rav Chaim Weg

Moderated by Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger
