By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld


By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
The Achronim ask a chakira regarding tzitzis. Is the “begged” of the tzitzis considered part of the mitzvah or is it considered a hechsher mitzvah, as we find that a house is just a hechsher for the mezuzah.
The Bais HaLevi in 1:5 and the Avnei Nezer Yoreh Deah 390 say that the ikkar reason one puts on the “begged” of tzitzis is to have an extra covering on the body. The Kehillas Yaakov in Yevamos 7 concurs and says the mitzvah of making tzitzis only applies to the strings of the tzitzis but putting on the begged itself is not the mitzvah.

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
What Bracha did the Yidden make on the Manna in the Midbar? On bread we make Hamotzielechem min Haaretz. Did they make the same bracha? There are seven opinions.

Join an insightful conversation between Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger and Rabbi Sholom Tendler, Kashrus Administrator of the Star-k. Enjoy the Q&A session discussing the various kashrus concerns related to smoothies. View it in its entirety at

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld


By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

Adapted by from a Shiur delivered by Rabbi Avrohom Dovid Waxman, R”M at Yeshivas Mishkan HaTorah of Lakewood and mechaber seforim Minchas HaLevi
Li’iluy nishmas Yissochor Dov Berish zatza”l ben Rav Shlomo, Niftar BiAsra Kadisha Meiron

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Vayikra 25:2 the Torah tells us that the land should rest on the seventh year as a Shabbos to Hashem. In 25:4 The passuk tells us that one cannot plant nor harvest. We see that Shmitta consists of two mitzvos. One a positive and one a negative.
The Achronim discuss whether the mitzvos of Shmitta is a mitzva on the person (gavra) not to work his field. Or is it a mitzva on the field (cheftza) not to work on it.

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
