By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
             In Bereishis 9:5 the Torah says that your blood will be avenged! The Poskim say that from this passuk we see that when it comes to pikuach nefesh a choleh is forbidden to be machmir on himself!
            One could kler in the event there is a choleh that is in a sakana and there was chillul Shabbos to save the person does the choleh or Dr. need a kappara?


Join Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, Director of Kashrus for the Chicago Rabbinical Council, and the Executive Director of AKO, and Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger as they discuss the recent Kol Koreh regarding home-based businesses.

Who is Up First? 

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Devarim 31:9 we see that Moshe wrote the Torah and gave it to the Kohanim the sons of Levi. The Gemara in Gittin 71b says that the following things are done to keep the peace. A Kohen gets the first aliya and we learn it from the above passuk. Since the Torah specified the Kohanim the sons of Levi. We know that the Kohanim were descendants of Levi. It comes to teach us that the Kohanim get the first Aliyah and then comes the Levi.


To bee or not to bee.
Watch the latest Let’s talk Kashrus episode with Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger and Rabbi Daniel Senter, Chief Operating Officer of KOF-K Kosher, as they discuss the raw truth about honey Kashrus.

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By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
As we get closer to Rosh Hashana most of us need to write a pruzbul. This is in order that our debts should not be cancelled! According to Shulchan Aruch one must make the pruzbul in Bais Din. The Rema is maikil and says one can write a pruzbul in front of any three people. The question arises if one lives out of town and there are no three Jews there. Can he do the pruzbul via fax or email? Can he verbally do it on the phone?

Lifelong Mitzvah 

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
