By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

[Links below.] Today, Tuesday of Parshas Beshalach, is a special day. Seforim tell us that it is extremely prudent to utilize this day to pray for parnassah, livelihood, for the next 12 months.


By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
                We find when the sea was split that Moshe Rabbeinu and the Bnei Yisroel sang the shirah. In Sefer Bais HaLevi he explains in depth the concept of singing in appreciation. There are two types of appreciation. The first one is where a person thanks Hashem for getting him out of a troubled situation. For instance, a person that was sick and became healthy. When a person thanks Hashem for extricating him from his tzarah. In this case the thanks are only for getting out of trouble, not for the trouble itself. As a matter of fact if the person would never have been sick he would have been even happier. This is one type of thanks.

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
                The Rishonim argue that going from town to another town and thereby having the way the letters are written if it is a psul. The Rosh in 3:11 and in the Shiltei Giborim in Hilchos Sefer Torah 3 and the Meiri in Shabbos 104a they all conclude that there is no chashash in switching your letters. On the other hand, the Ramban in Meseches Shabbos writes that all the letters have a special reason why they are the way they are so switching it would make it pasul.

Navigating the halachic issues of home food businesses. 
Join us as we listen in to a conversation between R’ Shmuel Fuerst, Dayan of Agudas Yisroel of Illinois and Rav of Agudas Yisroel of Peterson Park, and R’ Yitzchok Hisiger.


By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

The tricky nature of app-controlled appliances.
It may not be so smart to use your Smart Appliances. Join us as we listen in to a conversation between R’ Shmuel Fuerst, Dayan of Agudas Yisroel of Illinois and Rav of Agudas Yisroel of Peterson Park, and R’ Yitzchok Hisiger.

Breaking down chicken for the kosher consumer 
Join an insightful conversation between Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger and Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, Director of Kashrus for the Chicago Rabbinical Council ,and the Executive Director of AKO. Enjoy the conversation regarding the Kashrus of chickens and broken bones.

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Bereishis 50:13 the passuk says; the brothers carried Yaakov to eretz Knaan and buried him in the Me’Aras Hamachpeila.

Happy Birthday? 

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
Should someone’s birthday be celebrated by making a meal? Is it considered a Yom Tov?
The Ben Ish Chai in Parshas Re’eh 17 writes that some people have the minhag to make a Yom Tov on their birthday every year. They do so as a good siman. The Ben Ish Chai also had the minhag himself to do so. He also brings down a minhag to make a special celebration on the anniversary of the day of one’s bris. The Ben Ish Chai says we do not have this minhag.
The Chasam Sofer in Toras MosheParshas Vayeira writes that Avraham Avinu made a seudah every year on the day of his bris.
