Lifelong Mitzvah 

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
The Maharsha in Chidushei Aggados in Meseches Brachos 47a writes an amazing chiddush. The Gemara teaches us in several places that when one answers Amen Yehei Shmei Rabba with all his “kochos” (power) or all his “kavana,” (proper thoughts) he will live a long life. The lashon that is used is “marichin lo- yamav u’shnosav.” The Gemara in Brachos says that one who answers amen “yoser midai,” (too much) is making a mistake. The Maharsha explains this by analyzing the person’s thought process. The person may be thinking that he will say amein a lot and therefore, will live an extra-long life. This is a mistake because living too long of a life may not be beneficial; as the passuk says, “Yagiyu shanim- asher tomar- ein li ba’hem -cheifetz.” (A time will arrive when the person says I don’t want any more years.)
This concept is brought down in the Yalkut Shimoni in Parshas Eikevremez 871. An elderly woman came before Reb Yosi ben Chalafta and said, “Rebbe, I am too old. Everything I eat is tasteless; everything I drink tastes the same. I would like to die!” Reb Yosi responded to her, “What mitzvah do you do every day?” She answered, “When I awake in the morning, even if I have something I love, I put it down and first go to Shul to daven.” Reb Yosi said to her, “Just stop going to Shul for three days and your problems will be solved.” She followed Reb Yosi’s advice and after three days became sick and died.
In his introduction to Yoreh Deah, the Shailos U’tshuvos Chasam Sofer quotes the Rambam who says, “Praised is the person who finishes his days quickly.” In other words, if the person completes his “tafkid” (mission) in this world and moves on to the world to come in Gan Eden, he is praiseworthy. The Chasam Sofer mentions a line of reasoning one may have that would be incorrect. It will seem from this Rambam that if we see tzaddikim living a long life, one can be mistaken and say they have not fulfilled their “tafkid” and are not complete tzaddikim. The Chasam Sofer responds to this by saying that Hashem arranges for some tzaddikim to live longer to be mechanech children or the community. This idea is expressed in the passuk in Parshas Ki Savo“Ve’hosircha Hashem- letovah bifri- vitnecha” (Hashem will let you survive for the good of your children.)
Know that life is precious. Every minute counts. Make sure you help others so you can live a long and productive life.