Rabbi Nochum Rabinowitz, Senior Rabbinic Coordinator at OU Kosher, takes us on a world tour of kashrus overseas.

View it in its entirety at https://www.kashrusawareness.com/post/when-in-rome
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The Mashgiach’s Role in Quality Control
How does a kashrus agency certify an entire event, with tens of vendors? Let’s listen in as Joe Flohr walks us through the process.

View it in its entirety at https://www.kashrusawareness.com/post/in-the-event-of-an-event
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By Rabb Berach Steinfeld
The Achronim ask a chakira regarding tzitzis. Is the “begged” of the tzitzis considered part of the mitzvah or is it considered a hechsher mitzvah, as we find that a house is just a hechsher for the mezuzah.

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

Mashgiach? Check. ✔
Fishy Business? Let’s get a look behind the scenes in the sushi industry with Rabbi Moshe Kaufman, Kashrus Administrator for KVH Kosher ~ Rabbinical Council of New England.

View it in its entirety at https://www.kashrusawareness.com/post/sushi-roll-call
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By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Meseches Nida 30b it says a child in not born until he swears that he will keep the Torah. He will be a Tzaddik not a Rasha. The question arises why do we make the child swear a person already swore at mattan Torah on Shavuos that he will keep the Torah and therefore the Shvua one swears before he is born is not chal as he is mushba ve’omed me’har Sinai.

With summer around the corner, Rabbi Moshe Kaufman, Kashrus Administrator for KVH Kosher ~ Rabbinical Council of New England, describes the AKO camp initiative for us, which is a free service for all camps. For free guidance for your camp reach out to camps@akokosher.org

View it in it’s entirety at https://www.kashrusawareness.com/post/burgers-fries-kashrus-please
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By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
The Torah tells us in Vayikra 27:34 that these are the mitzvos that Moshe commanded Bnei Yisroel on Har Sinai. The Gemara in Shabbos 104a and Megillah 2b tells us that Chazal learn out from the above posuk that a Navi is not able to command any new mitzvos. All the mitzvos were given to Moshe Rabbeinu and anything thereafter is not one of the mitzvos. A Navi is unable to be mechadesh any new mitzvos.

In this follow-up episode, Rabbi Nochum Rabinowitz, Senior Rabbinic coordinator at OU Kosher clarifies for us the difference between Mevushal & Non-Mevushal.

View it in its entirety at https://www.kashrusawareness.com/post/pour-decisions
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