Sale or Fire Sale?

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
Are Matzos that are baked from wheat that are grown on salty waters, like in Arizona, Kosher? What about Matzos baked with flour that has sugar in it?
There are four types of Matzos that are not just made from flour and water exclusively. The first type is Matzos that is kneaded with fruit juice which is called Matza Ashira. The second Matzah is spiced Matzah which is made from Dough or flour that has spices mixed into it. The third type of Matzah where spices are added to it. The fourth type of Matzah is Matzah that had salt added.

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Vayikra 5:23 the passuk teaches us that if one sins and wants to do Teshuva he should return the object that he stole. The Gemara in Chullin 141a says that one who steals does not receive malkus because it is a lav that is attached to an asseh. Since one has a mitzva to return it. The question arises that according to those shittos that hold that teshuva is a mitzvah. (based on Rambam Hilchos Teshuva, Ramban Devarim 30 and Rabbeinu Yona.) How could one ever get malkus since it is nitak to the asseh of teshuvah?

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In GemaraMegillah 11b recounts that Achashveirosh took out the klei haMikdash and used it during his meal. The Satan came and danced among them and killed Vashti. The question arises why when Balshetzar took out the keilim of the Bais haMikdash he himself was killed that night, whereas Achashveirosh when he used the keilim of the Bais haMikdash he did not die but rather his wife died?

Lichvod Shabbos 

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

Urim VeTumim

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Shmos 28:30 the Torah tells us that the Urim VeTumim were placed in the Choshen. The Targum Yonasan ben Uziel says that the Urim VeTumim served as a vehicle to ask anything in learning from Hashem. It would seem from the Targum that they would ask dinim in the Torah. We see the same concept brought in Bamidbar 27:21 that they would ask from Elazar the Kohen while wearing the Urim. The Targum uses the language “Lemeidan dina” to pasken Shailos.

Teruma Lishma 

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
In Shmos 25:2 the Torah tells us that we should take (give) for me terumaRashi explains the word for me is that it has to be leshem shomayim. The question is that we know the Gemara in Pesachim 50b says that a person should learn Torah even if it is shelolishmo as the shelo lishma brings the person to do it lishma. Why would the mitzva of teruma be different?

Geirim Bikkurim 

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld
