With Rabbi Baruch Meir Levine

By Rabbi Avrohom Reit
Learning through the night on Shavuos is an inspiring way to commemorate Matan Torah. In addition, there are kabalistic benefits associated with this yearly ritual. There are, however, some halachic consequences affecting how we recite birchos hashachar resulting from staying up all night. Someone who did not sleep may not be able to recite the berachos of al netilas yadayim, tzitzis, E-lokai, neshama, birchos haTorah and hama’avir sheina. This essay will focus on the two most prominent issues, the berachos of E-lokai, neshama and hama’avir sheina.

By Rav Avrohom Dovid Waxman

Discussion with Rav Chaim WegTranscription:
Question: If a business receives a PPP loan in order to help make their payroll, must the business owner separate ma’aser kesafim from that money? Would it matter if the loan is ultimately forgiven?
Answer: The halachah is that one is not obligated to give ma’aser kesafim from loans, since the money was not earned and must be repaid. If the loan eventually turns into a gift, then the question would arise whether ma’aser must be separated at that point.

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
QUESTION: For those who began observing the sefirah restrictions on the second night of Pesach, is there any special dispensation to take a haircut or a shave on Rosh Chodesh Iyar when it falls on a Friday [and Shabbos] – as it does this year?
DISCUSSION: Mishnah Berurah,(1) followed by almost all of the poskim,(2) rules that when Rosh Chodesh Iyar falls on a Friday, it is permitted to take a haircut or a shave that Friday, even for those who are already in the midst of the sefirah mourning restrictions. This exception (which is for haircut and shaving only – not for other sefirah restrictions such as listening to music) is permitted in honor of the double occasion of Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh.(3)

A Discussion of the Maharam Matz’s Answer
Adapted for Matzav.com from a shiur by Rav Avrohom Dovid Waxman, R”M B’Yeshivas Mishkan HaTorah, Lakewood

Rabbi Moshe Zywica 

  1. What is the reason for Eruv Tavshilin?


  1. When the second or eighth day of Yom Tov falls on Shabbos, or if Shabbos falls immediately after Yom Tov (as the third day of yom tov does this year on April 11th), it is rabbinically forbidden to cook or prepare on Yom Tov for Shabbos.  When executed properly, Eruv Tavshilin allows one to prepare on Yom Tov for Shabbos.

Interestingly, there is no Torah prohibition to cook or bake on Yom Tov for Shabbos, even though ostensibly one may only cook on Yom Tov for Yom Tov itself.  The Gemara (Pesachim 46b) offers two reasons why this does not constitute a Torah prohibition:

Live at 11:30 AM EST

Rabbi Avrohom Dovid Waxman, author of the Minchas Halevi seforim, Shivti Rosh Chabura (Bais Efraim Zvi) and noted Yated Ne’eman Halacha columnist, will speak about the minhag of reciting Hallel during Maariv, and how many kzaysim of Matzah one is required to eat at the seder.
Call 732-301-6461 (please mute your phone)
(Please note: this conference line is to be used only for Rabbi Waxman’s shiur)
For those who currently use Zoom for business purposes, you can join this shiur on Zoom.
(Shivti would like to thank the chabura at Bais Efraim Zvi for hosting the Zoom shiur and granting public access to all who wish to join.)

Zoom conference # 656 215 7625
Password 297986

Adapted from a shiur delivered by Rav Avrohom Dovid Waxman
בענין אם הנוהגין לומר ההלל בערבית בליל פסח כדעת המחבר אם מברכין עליו אף ביחיד או לא
(מתוך שיעור שנאמר לחבורת ‘בשבתך בביתך’ של מפעל ‘שבתי’)
הרב אברהם דוד וואקסמאן
מחבר ספרי ‘מנחת הלוי’
פסק המחבר סי’ תפ”ז סעי’ ד’ בליל ראשון של פסח גומרין ההלל בציבור בנעימה בברכה תחילה וסוף, וכן בליל שני של שני ימים טובים של גליות. וכתב עלה הרמ”א, הגה, וכל זה אין אנו נוהגים כן, כי אין אנו אומרים בלילה בבית הכנסת הלל כלל, עכ”ל.
ויש לעיין לדעת המחבר שפסק שגומרין ההלל בציבור בברכה תחילה וסוף, אם הוא דוקא בציבור, או אפי’ ביחיד.


