Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser to President Biden, said this week that we never know whether the lockdowns imposed on Americans in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic were “worth it.” “You know, I don’t think we’re ever going to be able to determine what the right balance is,” Fauci said on BBC when asked if the lockdowns were “worth it” or “too severe.” “I think the restrictions – if you want to use that word, which I tend to shy away from, lockdown – they certainly prevented a lot of infections, prevented a lot of hospitalizations, and prevented a lot of deaths. There’s no doubt about that,” he claimed. He did, however, acknowledge that with the lockdowns came many “unintended negative consequences,” particularly among children who were unable to attend school. Fauci’s come after numerous studies have shown that lockdowns didn’t stop the spread of the virus and, in at least some cases, caused more harm than good. A study from Johns Hopkins University earlier this year found that lockdowns reduced mortality in the U.S. and Europe by just 0.2% – a figure just about anyone would agree would not make the lockdowns “worth it.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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