President Joe Biden made obviously contradictory statements in the span of thirty seconds while speaking to reporters. Asked by a journalist whether he’s yet decided if he will make a widely discussed potential trip to Saudi Arabia, Biden said, “No, not yet.” But then, a second reporter followed up, asking what would be holding up his decision over the trip and whether he’s waiting for certain commitments from the Saudis. “No, no,” Biden responded. “The commitments from the Saudis don’t relate to anything having to do with energy.” “There happens to be a larger meeting taking place in Saudi Arabia. That’s the reason I’m going,” Biden continued. So, in under 30 seconds, the quickly aging president of the United States said he had not yet made a decision whether he will go to Saudi Arabia, only to say – seconds later! – that he is indeed going. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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