I am very disturbed by ads that I see on and elsewhere for movies and films for Tisha B’Av. At least in years past, the programs were speeches related to Tisha B’Av. Now, we’re inundated with movies of all types, on all topics, as if they have to do with Tisha B’Av. Are we so pathetic? Have we so lost our understanding of Tisha B’Av? The only thing we’re missing is the popcorn.
As someone wrote so well, perhaps it’s time we just arrange hotel programs for Tisha B’Av, with babysitting, a lineup of speakers, and maybe even a magician. That’s basically where we are holding.
If you’re making or watching a movie for Tisha B’Av, I can’t stop you, but please, at least admit that it has nothing to do with the churban, with the Bais Hamikdosh, or with the taanis, and that it is just a feel-good film about chesed, kibbud av v’eim, or the greatness of Am Yisroel – or some Hashgacha Protis story that has no shaychus to Tisha B’Av. And maybe, Matzav, you should stop running the ads on your website and your WhatsApp and Status.
A Yid (Never Breaks)