Around 40 years ago, Hagaon HaRav Avigdor Miller was asked at his weekly Shiur about an upcoming election where Democrat Elizabeth Holtzman was running for Congress in New York’s 16th congressional district. QUESTION: What can we learn from the election of Elizabeth Holtzman (Democrat, House of Representatives, New York)? RAV MILLER’S ANSWER: “We can learn that the public is not aware of the necessity of protecting their interests. It’s important for the Orthodox public to finally wake up and protect their interests. The Orthodox Jews have to wake up and realize they have to vote not for what somebody promises to give them some benefit, some handout, some small program or some privilege. There are Jewish askanim, Orthodox askanim, who are supporting congressmen who are trying to undermine America. The congressman comes to the frum Orthodox askan and he offers him some privileges, so he chaps, he seizes it. “Ah, my shtiebel will get special privileges, my rebbe will get special privileges, my yeshivah will get special privileges.” Meanwhile, he doesn’t care a hoot what’s going to happen to America. This congressman is undermining America! We have to vote not for a person who promises a handout, a benefit. We vote for the overall benefits to America because when America benefits, the Orthodox Jew is also going to benefit. America today you have to know is in very great danger because of the liberal forces that are rising in the colleges. We are going to reap a great whirlwind, chas v‘shalom, in the years to come. We’re in a great sakanah in America. Don’t think America is always going to be. America is at the crossroads and it’s up to us to help out as much as we can. And therefore if we could get somebody in charge who is even a little bit conservative, who tries to stand up for the family, who tries to fight back against the destruction of moral values, that’s who we want. Even though we don’t believe him entirely – it’s election talk, it’s campaign talk – but if at least he talks the right kind of words, that’s the man that we have to vote for. It is very important to be aware of the issues and if you yourself are not fully competent, then you should consult the Torah leaders who know what is what.” [The above text is via] (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
The post SEE THIS: What HaRav Avigdor Miller Said About Voting For A Liberal Democrat appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
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