Hagaon Harav Shaul Alter shlit”a, the venerated Rosh Yeshiva of Mosdos Pnei Menachem, will be returning to the United States next week to spread his inimitable love, chizzuk, and inspiration to the tens of thousands in the U.S. who are now his followers. The rosh yeshiva is scheduled to be in Boro Park for Parshas Chayei Sarah, where thousands are already expected to join the davening and his tish. Excitement is already building for his visit, with dozens of askanim already making preparations for the enormous crowds expected to flock to Boro Park for and on Shabbos to see and hear from the gadol. Rav Shaul shlit”a is also expected to visit various other cities on the East Coast, including Lakewood. Details of those visits have not yet been officially released. In his last trip to the U.S., over 10,000 people joined him for Shabbos, with a massive tent erected at 18th Avenue and 52nd Street to accommodate the overwhelming crowds that wanted a glimpse of the rosh yeshiva. As we did last year, YWN will be covering this historic trip in great detail, with information of his scheduled Shiurim and visits along with videos and photos. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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